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You blew out a puff of smoke while on your way to Your Boyfriend Mikey's house..he doesn't know you smoke because you know that he hates cigarettes..the smell, the smoke, what it does you to your body, all of it.

Today was stressful so you decided to have a smoke to take some of the edge off of everything..

You threw the end in the street and walked up the staircase to get to his apartment and noticed the box sticking out of your purse, so you pushed it in to the end of the bag.

Before getting to door you covered yourself in his favorite perfume to cover the smell of the cigarette. You knocked on the door and you heard a crash and "ouch..just a minute" before the door opened.

He opens the door and he's fixing his hair back in to place.

"You okay?" You asked and chuckled a little.

"Yeah..why?" He asks you.

"Didn't you just fall?" You ask him.

"You heard that?" He asked

"Yeah..I also see a bruise and a bump forming on your head..let's get some ice on it before it swells anymore." You tell him and he takes you inside.

You get the ice out of the freezer and he starts picking up the Star Wars DVD collection he tripped over..

"Did you hear that comic con is coming up, Y/N?" He asks you trying to make some sort of conversation.

"I did..I want to go so bad!" You say to him.

"Gerard has already planned everything out for it. We can go with him if you want?" He says to you while he's standing up from the floor.

"Sounds awesome!" You say while walking over to the couch with him

You apply the bag of ice to his head and he flinches in a little bit of pain, but, it had to be done.

"Something smells really strongly of cigarette smoke.." He says and takes a deep breath.

"I wonder what it could be." You say and lean back.

"I don't know.." He shrugged and started asking how your day went.

You start talking about it and how horrible people have been and everything.

After a little while, you decided to leave his apartment.

You stand up and grab your bag and your cigarettes fall out of your bag and you didn't know they had fallen out.

You walk out of the apartment and start walking down the street, reach in to your bag to grab your cigarettes and they aren't there..you begin to freak out a little bit.

"Where are they?" You ask yourself frantically looking for them and they aren't there.

*bzzt bzzt* you hear on your phone. It's a text from Mikey.

"Hey, I think I found the source of the cigarette smell."

"Really?" You text back

"Yeah..found some cigarettes on the floor...do you know where they came from?" He asks.

"No" you send back.

"Are you sure? Because it's fine if you do." He says.

"Fine. They're mine. But, you don't like them, so I kept them from you." You say text back a little angered.

"Okay." He texts back...he's always sucked at showing emotion, so you weren't sure if he was mad or okay, or happy or what he meant.

"Okay? Just okay?" You send back.

"Yeah..come back, I'll explain in person." He says to you.

You go back and knock on the door.

"Okay? What do you mean by "Okay"?" You ask him.

"It's okay. Everyone needs their outlet...if that's yours, that's yours. I don't care. Gerard does it, Frank does it. A lot of people I know do it. I don't care if you do it. It's your choice." He says to you,

"Oh..I thought you'd be mad when you found out.." You say to him.

"Babe, I'd never be mad at you for something as small as smoking. I wish you would've just straight forward said that they were yours but I don't care about it. I care about you and making you happy. That's all" he said to you.

"I wont do it around you..i promise. Thank you for accepting that fact." You say to him.

"Okay.." He says

Later that night you and him ended up ordering pizza, watching his star wars collection and planning comic con.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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