Chapter Four

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"Where is she?"

A voice snapped me out of my reminiscing as he sauntered into the room. Immediately, I recognized him with his dark hair, smug smile and fancy garb.

"She's here, Your Majesty," I said sarcastically, but he didn't pick up on it.

"Why thank you, young lad," Kai smirked.

If I was any other woman, I would've taken that offensively, but I couldn't blame him. I looked like the most tomboyish person in the entire world with my riding pants and hair back.

"Oh, Jennie, love," I cringed at that word. "I was hoping to take you as my bride. You were the most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on."

My fists clenched uncontrollably hearing his words. He didn't love her. He just wanted a girl on his arm so he could take the throne. I knew people like this and I despised every one of them. Jisoo and Rosé ran in behind me happily.

"He's going to break the spell, Lisa!" Rosé squealed.

I showed them a fake smile before turning back to Kai and Jennie, trying not to cry. He leaned over her and bent down to kiss her delicate lips. The whole room stayed in silence, everyone crossing their fingers and sending silent prayers. Kai backed away from Jennie, waiting for her eyes to open, but they never did.

"I-I don't understand," He said in disbelief. "Why didn't she wake up?"

"It isn't true love," I said, a smirk on my face.

Kai walked towards me with a look of anger. I gulped, scared that he would hurt me, since he was definitely much stronger than I. To my surprise, his look softened and he rested his hand on my shoulder with a small smile.

"You're right," He said. "She doesn't love me. Not the same way she loves you."

"What?" I asked.

"You're all she ever talked about. She loves you more than you'll ever know."

"That's impossible," I disagreed.

"Is it?" He questioned. "Go get her."

Kai gave me a simple pat on my shoulder before leaving the room. Before he left, he whispered something to Jisoo and Rosé and they nodded.

"We'll give you two some time alone," Rosé smiled as she and Jisoo left the room with Kai.

I nodded, then turned my gaze back to Jennie. Tears were still pricking at the corners of my eyes. I cried more today than I had in a long time. Carefully, I walked towards Jennie and sat beside her on the soft bed. I reached for her hand and intertwined our fingers, feeling a non-existent connection between us.

"Jennie," I began, knowing she wouldn't hear me. "That day that I heard you singing in the forest was the best day of my life, because it was the day I met you. You made me laugh, smile, and feel more happiness than I had felt in a long time. Seeing you was the best part of my day. You never treated me differently for being more masculine, and I wish I had told you everything when I had the chance."

I used my other hand to wipe away my tears, but it was pointless. More fell in its place. I looked over to Jennie, who was still resting peacefully, a small smile on her face that reminded me of memories of us. I pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and placed a flower from her bouquet there.

"You remember when I got you those flowers?" I continued. "You were so happy that day, and I was too. I was happy everyday I was with you. And I hate to make this all about me, but who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do if there's no you?"

I crept closer to her, my thumb grazing across her cheek.

"You are everything to me, Jennie, and I can't lose you. I just can't, so I have to try. I have to."

I hesitated before leaning down to kiss her lips. My lips lingered on hers for a moment, wanting to savor the last few moments I had left. Soon after, I released from the kiss, hoping to God that her eyes would open, but they didn't. I sighed as I dried my tears.

"You'll never hear me say this, but maybe you will up in heaven. I love you, Jennie."

I stood up from my comfortable position on Jennie's bed and exhaled. It was official. She was gone. Even my love for her, which was larger than anything in existence, couldn't save her. The fact she didn't love me back wasn't what bothered me. It was the fact that I'd never see her again. I'd never see her smile, never hear her laugh, never feel her hand intertwined with mine. I slowly trudged towards the door, pushing all those thoughts aside.

"I love you too, Lisa."

True Love's Kiss: A Jenlisa Sleeping Beauty AUWhere stories live. Discover now