Chapter Three

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I trudged through the forest quickly, as I was late, again. Jennie was always punctual, whereas I was always tardy. She got mad at me for it, but every time she would forgive me. I beamed thinking of those times, but then stopped when I heard Jennie's voice.

"When will I see you again?"

I noticed a man with dark hair and a smug smile on his horse, looking down at Jennie, who was smiling eagerly. She was holding a red rose in her hand, much like the ones I'd given her in the past. He must've given one to her as they were talking. A feeling that I couldn't describe started to form in my heart.

"Hopefully tomorrow, if I'm riding through the area."

"Well, tomorrow's my birthday," Jennie beamed.

"Is it? Happy birthday to you, love!" The man said before leaving.

"Bye, Kai!" She called back.

I finally figured out what that feeling was: Jealousy. That had to be it, but I wanted to deny it. I wanted to deny the fact that I wanted Jennie to smile at me the way she smiled at Kai. I wanted to deny the fact that I wanted to call Jennie 'love' like Kai did. I wanted to deny the fact that I wanted to kiss Jennie and tell her that she's beautiful every single day. But I couldn't. I couldn't because they were all true.


Jennie's cat-like eyes met mine as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I knew that she was unattainable, because she was too perfect for someone like me. Those thoughts had always been in the back of my head, but in this moment, they all rushed to the front. I did the only thing that I knew how to do: Run. I ran away from her, hearing her call my name with every step. Tears were now flooding from my eyes as I collapsed next to a tree. Why did I even try if I knew that I would never succeed?

*Flashback End*

"Yes," I sighed, wiping away another tear. "Do you know anyone named Kai?"

"Of course!" Rosé exclaimed. "Prince Kai of Cruvalon?"

"Maybe? I don't know. I just heard his first name."

"Are you sure?" Jisoo asked. "Jennie never mentioned anyone named Kai."

"Yes, I'm sure," I said. "She was talking with him yesterday when I came to see her."

"Okay, I'll go alert the guards," Jisoo said.

I sat down next to Jennie as Jisoo left the room. My hand reached out and grabbed hers, even though I knew she couldn't feel it. All of the anger that I had had melted away, because all I really cared about was Jennie. I only cared about her being okay. If that meant that she would go off and marry Kai, then so be it. I just wanted her to live and be happy.


"Do you ever think about the future?" Jennie asked as we were stargazing on the edge of a cliff.

"What about it?" I questioned.

"Like, what we'll be doing, who we'll be with, where we'll be?" She turned to face me but then turned away quickly. "It's a stupid question, I know."

"No, it wasn't," I defended her. "I just don't know how to answer it."

"Well, I do."

"Yeah?" I looked at her. "How would you answer it?"

"I'd be in a house by the creek, reading books, with you beside me."


"Yeah, you," Jennie blushed. "Lisa, you're special to me."

"Really?" I smiled, a bit taken aback. "But I'm nothing special."

"No!" Jennie shouted. "Why would you ever say that?"

"Back at home, I'm considered...different."

"How?" She raised one eyebrow in question.

"Most girls at home don't wear boys' clothes or act masculine the way I do. They're all about marrying a rich prince and becoming a queen of their own kingdom," I looked over at Jennie, who was intently listening. "But I don't want any of that. I don't even think I want to marry a guy."

"It's okay," She smiled at me. "It's okay to not be like the other girls. If anything, it's preferred. But please, don't try to fit in with them, because I don't want you to."

I felt Jennie's fingers intertwine with mine, her thumb rubbing against the back of my hand soothingly. She gave my hand a squeeze, causing me to glance back up at her. Her eyes sparkled in the light of the moon, leaving me even more entranced by her beauty.

"I want you just the way you are."

"Thank you, Jennie. You know, you're the only person I can talk to like this."

"I'm honored," Jennie stated proudly.

She used her other hand to wipe away my tears and gripped my hand tighter. Her head rested gently on my shoulder as we sat there gazing at the stars. I felt her move slightly and noticed that she had fallen asleep next to me. I chuckled slightly, still holding her hand. In that moment, I didn't want to let her go. I wanted to keep holding Jennie in my arms until the day we die, and I had a feeling she did too. She nuzzled her head deeper into my shoulder, causing me to smile. From that day on, I swore to protect her, no matter what comes our way.

*Flashback End*

True Love's Kiss: A Jenlisa Sleeping Beauty AUWhere stories live. Discover now