Chapter One

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I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, not even thinking about anything else. I had to see her. My time was limited, I knew as much, but none of that mattered at this point. I wished to go back and change things, but I couldn't. I had to live with the choices I made, and it was my fault. Tears pricked at my eyes with every step, as every thought I had asked the same question: 'What if she's gone?' I pushed those thoughts aside as I neared the top of the massive staircase.


"If you really, really love me, then tell me..."

A heavenly voice floated through the forest, reaching me. I was taken by surprise hearing it, as beautiful singing wasn't a common find in the forest. I carefully crept closer to it, becoming more entranced with each step.

"That you can't live a day without me, really, really..."

Gently, I pushed back a branch in my way to see the voice's home. What I saw was breathtaking, to say the least. She was beautiful. The girl in front of me had long dark hair that cascaded over her baby pink flowy dress. If this was love at first sight, consider me in love. Lured in by her beauty, I accidentally stepped on a stick, making a loud sound that caught the girl's attention. I immediately ducked under the bush so she wouldn't see me.

"Who's there? Show yourself."

Although I didn't know her, I felt that I couldn't say 'no' to her. If I was going to get to know this girl, I didn't want to start it with lies. Slowly, I got up from the ground and rose from behind the bush.

"I'm sorry," I began, as she looked startled. "I was just walking through and I heard your beautiful singing and I wanted to know where it was coming from."

"You think it's beautiful?" She asked, her brown eyes glistening in the sunlight.

"Yes," I smiled. "And so are you."

The girl smiled at that, which was the cutest smile I'd ever seen. A blush pricked at her cheeks as a heavenly glow from the sunlight covered over her. I swear, she was the most beautiful girl in the entire world.

"Thank you," She smiled back. "I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."

"Wait!" I panicked. "Why don't you tell me your name? Then, we won't be strangers."

"Okay," She said. "It's Jennie."

"Jennie," I sighed as I repeated her name. "I'm Lisa."

"Nice to meet you, Lisa," She held out her hand and I shook it gingerly. Her hand was so delicate in mine, that I felt like it would break if I shook it too hard.

"You too, Jennie."

*Flashback End*

I panted heavily, out of breath when I reached the top. I turned the doorknob quickly, hoping to God that she was okay. Desperate people find faith, I guess, so now I pray to Jesus too. I ran in shouting her name, but was quickly stopped.

"You're too late."

My gaze reached Jennie, who was resting peacefully on a fancy bed, a bouquet of red roses in her hand. Even in death, Jennie still had an adorable smile, with a blush to match. Tears fell down my cheeks as I walked closer to her.

"N-No..." I wept.


"What took you so long?" Jennie asked as I came towards her.

"Sorry," I said. "I just had to get you these."

I pulled out a bouquet of red roses from behind my back. Jennie squealed and ran over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I stumbled backwards, caught off guard, but then steadied myself by placing my hand on her waist.

"These are my favorite! How did you know?"

"You may have mentioned it from time to time," I said smugly.

"I've only said it once!" She fired back as she stepped backwards, causing me to remove my hand from her waist.

"Twice," I responded. "I counted."

"Fine," She sat down by the creek, her feet splashing the water playfully.

"Wait," I said, and pulled out a flower from her bouquet.

"Hey!" She held the bouquet close to her heart. "You can't take it back!"

"I'm not!" I put up my hands in surrender. "I just want to try something."

"Okay," She shrugged.

My hand grazed her hair as I pushed it back behind her ear. In its place, I placed the rose, which looked beautiful, but not as pretty as she did. I found my eyes flickering down to her lips, but immediately stopped myself. This wasn't normal, I knew as much, but I couldn't help it. She was too perfect.

"There," I sighed, going back to reality. "Beautiful."

"Thank you," Jennie sighed, then pulled out another rose from her bouquet.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she placed the rose behind my ear.

"There," She giggled. "Beautiful."

*Flashback End*

True Love's Kiss: A Jenlisa Sleeping Beauty AUWhere stories live. Discover now