-Chapter 9- You're Worth It To Me

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Dust wokw up in the next morning, yawning while sat up on the bed. He looks at Horror and the boys who's still asleep peacefully. He pats Horror's head gently, only to earn soft purrs from the younger. Dust chuckled at this. Just when he was about to wake up, Someone knocked on the door.

Dust tell them to come in, as tbe door was opened and revealing Dream. "Oh, it's you.. what is it?" He asked, Dream smiled. "Just wanted to tell that breakfast is ready!" He said, Dust nodded. "Why don't you wake up Horror? For helping you to cook??" He asked, Dream shook his head, "I don't wanna bother his beahtiful dream about you." He said.

Dust blushed, hearing and knowing that Horror's dreaming about him. "And Dust... After breakfast, we're gonna have to talk about something. Just you, me, Ink and Brother Nightmare." Dream spoked, Dust nodded. "Alright. Just, let me wake Horror up." He spoked, Dream nods and walked out.

Dust sighed, looking at Horror and kisses him to wake up, which it's worked making Horror woke up. He looks up at Dust, smiling slightly while seeing him. "Hey.. Morning, Dusty.." he spoked softly, "Morning, Rory. Come on, wake up the boys. We gotta go and eat a breakfast." Dust spoked, Horror nods as he sat on the bed, waking up the boys.

-scene transition-

Dust, Nighgmare, Ink And Dream already in the meeting room. Going to discuss something. Ink took a deep breath, "Okay.. so um.. I call you all here because.. we have to make a plan." Ink spoked, "For what?" Nightmare asked."Blue's gonn-" Dust groaned after hearing the name, "I know you don't like hearing his name but.. this is important. He's going to hurt Horror again." Ink spoked.

Dust looks at Ink with a serious face, telling him to continue. Ink nods, "So, I heard that B is gonna do something whatever to make you his. He asked for Red and Classic's help when they're visiting Underswap. Telling lots of lies about Horror." Ink tells, Dust sighed, "fuck. So, what are we gonna do? Whatever the plan is I just want Horror to be safe." He said,

Ink nodded, "well, we'll just gonna tell Red and Classic that Blue were lying. That he was the one who wanted to steal you from Horror. But if Blue attacks.. or did anything.. we have to fight back.." Ink spoked, "Ink.."

"Blue isn't a star sanses anymore, Dream." Ink spoked with a sigh. "We're not gonna make a plan B in case this is not gonna work?" Nightmare spoked, "Well, that's only if Dust agree Horror to be a bait." Ink spoked, "Are you kidding me? No! I wouldn't risk it." Dust spoked, growling softly.

"Well, see? Dust wouldn't agree." Ink spoked. "Well, If I was in Dust's position I wouldn't want to risk it too." Nightmare spoked. Ink nods. "Even if Horror and I were never talked much, but he's already like a son to me." Says Nightmare. "I wanted him to be safe. Just as much as Dust wanting him safe." He continued.

"Aww.. " Dream thought that was cute. Even tho he wanted his brother to say to him like that. "Now I see how much you care about your gang. One person from your gang got kidnapped you will come the next day." Ink spoked, "We've been underestimate the bad guys.. That all of you are not bad as we thought you were." Ink spoked. "Now you know us."


Dust was the last one who go out from the meeting room, walking towards the living room. Horror was there with Error but, now he only see Error playing with the puppet of him and the puppet of Nightmare. Dust walked to him, "Uh.. Error, where is Horror?" He asked, Error looked up at him. "He went to his bedroom. Or your bedroom too. Crying." He said.

"Crying? What happened?" Dust asked, "Well, accidentally he heard your conversation with Ink, Nighty and Dream. He blamed himself for all this to happen." Error spoked, Dust nodded. "Well, thanks for looking after him while we had a meeting." Dust spoked as he walked out of the room.

He walked upstairs, to the bedroom of his and Horror's. He opened the door as he saw Horror sitting on the bed, wiping off his tears after seeing Dust and smiled at him. Dust walks to him after closing the door, "Don't faking your smile to me, Rory." He said as he sat beside Horror. "Sorry.." He said.

There was a silance between them.

"I'm sorry.. I should've not joined the gang so that you never met me just to ruin your relationship with Blue-" Horror was cut off by Dust with a upseted sigh, "Horror, I don't have any relationship with Blue. We're only.. We'll was we were friends. But not anymore." Dust spoked. "But, my existence makes you and Blue.." Dust cupped Horror's cheek, "Horror.. Stop blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault making Blue turns like this. It wasn't." Dust spoked.

"You know that I'm not worth it, Dust.. I'm not worth it.." Horror spoked, "No you are worth it. You are worth it to me, to us. We wouldn't care about Blue tries to kick you if you're not worth it to us." Dust spoked.

"... When Blue said he wanted to be more than friends.. Why do you reject him?" He asked, "One. You heard that my heart was just for you. Second. He was actually more like a little brother to me." Dust spoked, "Now, Horror.. Can you please stop thinking about it?" He asked, Horror nods at him.

Dust smiled at him, "That's my Rory." Horror touched both of Dust's cheekbones. He stared at Dust for a few moments. "I love you.." He whispered. "Should I reply?" He joked, Horror giggled softly, shooks his head. Dust just smiles at him. All lf the sudden, Horror kissed him and Dust willingly kisses back.

Dust makes him sat on his lap while still kissing. Wrapping his hands around Horror's waist. Then they pulled out.

Horror opened his jacket slowly, he didn't wear any sweater or shirt inside. Dust stopped him, "Are you sure, Horror?" He asked. "I-It's not like what you think.. Just wanting to try something new while we were kissing.." Horror spoked, "like kissing while naked?" "Half naked.."

Dust chuckled as he lets Horror, Dust also take off his jacket. Also didn't wear any shirt inside and didn't wear his scarf. They continued to kiss as Dust deepen the kiss. Horror wrapped his hands around Dust's neck, Dust chuckled into the kiss. Then they pull out. Dust suddenly attacked Horror's neck, kissing it. "Nonono! No not yet, Dust!" Horror spoked, Dust chuckled and looked up at Horror who's blushing madly.

"Relax. I wouldn't do that." Dust spoked, Horror giggled. And they continue to kiss again.


Dust sighed as he walked out of the bedroom, he saw Error stood there. "Oh.. Hey, Error. You need anything?" He asked, "Is Horror alright?" Error asked, "Yeah. He's asleep." He replied as Error sighed in relief. Dust smiled at him. "Anyway, have you seen Dream? I gotta talk to him." Dust asked, "He's in the back yard, talking with Nightmare having some brother talks." Error replied, Dust nodded and thanked him as he walked to the back yard.

"Dream, could you do me a favor?" Dust asked, "yeah?" "I need you to prepare something for my date with Horror tonight near the ocean." Dust spoked, Dream smiled and nodded. "Yeah sure!!" Dream spoked.


***see you in the next chapter***

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