Chapter 18-Secret

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Vanessa P.O.V
*******In the morning at work****

"Ugh this is so confusing"

"What is?" Sasha said as she sat on the chair in my office

"Mika's new album, I just can't figure out the release date and then I have to figure out the tour his going to take for his knew album an then I need to figure out the ticket sales and VIP....its just so much!"

Then I got an idea and looked up at Sasha

"Uh no sorry honey but I don't do business things I just play the drums"Sasha said as she backed up

"But you know you could talk to Mika..."

"what! Psssh i mean why should i? he probably doesn't want to be bored by these little things....." I said as I lowered my face into my laptop

"Look Vanessa you can't avoid Mika forever"

"I'm not 'avoiding' him"

"Yes your are"

"No I'm not"

"Uh..YES you are! Vanessa can't just ignore him your whole life"

"Why not!" I said as I crossed my arms

"Because gurl at one point or another your going to have to talk to him because A:you live with him B: he's your client and C: this is just stupid! you need to talk to him about this"

"I know it's just .....I don't know like I mean what I'm a supposed say? what?I'm just going to go up to him and say hey you know I love you and you apparently love me but we can't be together because of our business so we'll just have to be a secret couple!" I said sarcastically

"Wait hold on" Sasha interrupted

" like I mean come on there's like..."

" gurl shut up!" Sasha said as she covered my mouth
" what?"

"Why don't you and Mika do that!"

" do what?" I said as she uncovered my mouth
" what you just said..."
" what did I say?"
" oh my god Vanessa sometimes you can be stupider than a taco"

" hold on what? I'm confused"

" of course you are, look what if you and Mika, become a secret couple!"

" WHAT?!"

" I mean it's perfect! You guys can just go out without anyone knowing!"

" Sasha I just kidding about that"

" we'll I'm not, look Vanessa you need to give love a chance, express how you feel about each other and if you both love each other like I know you do than why not? You both were obviously made for each other"

" I don't know......"

" just give it a shot please! You never know in tell you try!"
" um..."
" come on for the sake of your life!" Sasha said dramatically

" we'll....I mean I guess I'll have to talk to Mika first"

" YES!" Sasha said as she jumped up and hugged me

" hey woah I still have to talk to Mika"

" gurl please I already know he loves you like me it's gonna work out"

" Sasha!" Rick called from the hall

" oh gotta go Rick needs me.....but don't forget what you need to do!" Sasha said as she left the room

Then she popped her head through the door
" and don't chicken out!"

" I won't ,promise." I said as I gave her a thumbs up

" good"

" Sasha!" Rick called again

" I'm coming! I'm coming!" Sasha yelled as she headed down stairs

We'll the day again past by with in a blink of an eye....Hey I rhymed!

I got in my car and drove all the way home and There was Mika's car.

I got out of my car and slowly walked toward the door taking deep breaths.....God I felt like I was going to the principle office or something!
I arrived at the door and turned the handle...
" here goes nothing"

I opened the door

Mika was sitting on the couch. Then he turned around and smiled as he saw me

" Hello love"
" oh hi um...can...can we talk?" I said as I sat on the couch

" of course what's up?" Mika said as he sat closer to me

" oh wow okay.....we'll about dinner and last night we'll it's just that..."

Then Mika scooped up my hands

"Before you say anything else I have something to confess"

"You do..." I said as I looked at Mika in the eyes

" we'll for the past few months or so I've been having this strange feeling that's been driving me crazy whenever I'm around you and I couldn't figure out what it was.....till now,........Vanessa I...I love you"

There was a moment of silence

I sat there speechless

" me..." I finally managed to say

"With all my heart and I want to be with you"

That's when I remember the thing Sasha had talked about

"But here's the know how I'm your manager and your client and how we have to keep our relationship "professional".

"Oh....yeah"Mika said as his face got gloomy

"Hey....look don't worry I have a plan" I said as I brushed through Mika's curls

"A plan?" Mika said as he looked up at me

"Yeah...look just hear me out for a moment I was just thinking Why don't we just be together without anyone knowing! I mean we already live together and work together so people won't suspect a thing... What do you say?"

"I say it doesn't matter as long as I'm with you" Mika said as he gentle kisses my hands

I started blushing

"I guess it will be our little secret" Mika said sarcastically

I smiled back

Then he leaned forward and pressed he's lips against mine and wrapped he's arms around me...expect this time I didn't hold back.

Hello everbody! I think I said all ready like a hundred time but thank you guys so much for reading and voting and leaving awesome comments! also I wanted to say I'm going to try with all of my will to try to update more often so thanks for waiting!(dedicate this to the magnificent Mika_freak_! hope you liked)


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