Chapter one

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Will woke up to the creaking of his bed as one of his siblings stared down at him.

"Shouldn't you be in the infirmary?" Sarah asked in her tiny voice. All the Apollo siblings were varying in ages and this one so happened to be one of his favorite little sisters.

"Well shouldn't you be in your beginners archery class?" Groggily Will sat up and rubbed his eyes which made Sarah have to shift so that she didn't fall off.

"But I don't wanna go to archery class!" She exclaimed pouting ever so slightly.

"You know our siblings teacher all the archery classes from beginner to intermediate and they wouldn't be to happy with you skipping Sarah" Will said not budging.

"Can't I go to the infirmary with you?! It's so much funner and you're already late you're already gonna get in trouble!"

"First off funner is not a word and I had to go to archery lessons when I was little. You have to attend a physical activity and you already said you don't like playing with swords" Will felt bad for his little sister. Like him she was a healer not an archer and it was quite rare for Apollo's children to only specialize in one of his talents. Meaning both Will and Sarah were both extremely gifted in the art of healing yet in the area of archery they weren't so gifted.

Will looked into the blue eyes of his younger sister that so many other Apollo kids had along with golden blond hair and couldn't help but give in.

He tugged her little blond braid "Fine but only for today"

A huge smile appeared on the young girl's face and she leaped off his bunk and ran out the door waving goodbye "I'll see you in the infirmary!" She called happily.

A soft laugh left Will's lips as he grabbed some clean clothes and changed into them under his covers before heading to the bathroom leaving his hair messy as he brushed his teeth.

Today there was supposed to be a new volunteer that Will was supposed to train and help get used to the infirmary he really hoped that the new volunteer hadn't been waiting too long.

"Hurry up Will there's someone here!" He heard his younger sister yell excitedly as he walked up the steps to the infirmary to find an unfamiliar boy in the door way standing next to Sarah as she pulled on his arm apparently wanting him to move and go meet Will.

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