How we are together

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(Y/n)'s POV

The sound of Shades yelling at the top of his lungs scared the life out of me.  I look over to see Mika with her body wrapped around me, and her head resting on my chest. Every breath she took in her sleep left a tingling sensation on my skin.

“Mika, get up it's time for training” I softly whisper in her ear. As she wakes up, Christa looks at us surprised to see us both in bed together.

Christa: “Do you both always sleep together?”  Mika rubs her eyes trying to wake herself fully and faces towards Christa to answer her question.

Mika: “Yes, she's my girlfriend why wouldn't I” Mika leaned forward and kissed me “By the way good morning. Let's go ahead and get ready”

Ymir: “How come we don't do that Christa?”
Christa trying her hardest to push Ymir off of her.

[Training Area]

Shadis: “Everyone prepare for ODM balance training, get your gears so we can get started!”

Cadets: “Yes Sir!!!”

The sound of gear being hoisted on and straps being fastened flowed throughout the locker room. I was clasping the last strap around my thigh when a thought came to me.

“Mika, do you think my hair is too long? I was thinking that maybe I should cut it a little bit”

Mika: “Maybe, but I like your hair the way it is.  Just put it in a ponytail and it'll be fine”

“Do you have something to hold my hair up?”

Mika: “Here let me help you with it” she walk behind me and runs her hands through my hair. Every touch she gives me relaxes me.

Eren: “Hey! Mikasa, (Y/n), you guys ready?”

Mikasa's POV

“Yeah let me just finish tieing up (Y/n)'s hair” I glance at her face and it seems like she's in total bliss right now “there, I'm done” (Y/n) turns to face me with that wide smile of hers and says.

(Y/n): “Thanks, Mika!” All i did was tie your hair up. I didn't think it would make you that happy.

(Y/n): “Hey, Eren! Come here I wanna tell ya someth’n”

Eren: “What...Your not gonna flick me in the head again are you? Because every time you wanna tell me something you have a tendency to flick my forehead”

(Y/n): “I'm not just come here, you too Armin” they both look at (Y/n) with suspicion until she wraps her arms around the both of them. She lowers her tone just so that the three of us could hear her “I just know that you guys are going to be awesome out there. Just remember to stay calm and focused”

Armin: “Thanks (Y/n)” As soon as he said that (Y/n) took both of her hands and flicked them in the forehead.

Armin & Eren: “Ow!”

(Y/n) begins to laugh hard as she walks out of the locker room with Eren and Armin in toe. Yeah, I figured that she was gonna do that. Thirty minutes later we got back to Shadis where he yelled at us for taking to long.

Shadis: “Up first Reiner Braun!” A guy with short blonde hair, who seemed to be about six feet tall stepped up.  He was strapped to two wires that held him in place. He seemed quite confident enough to think that he would pass. This balance training honestly didn't seem that hard to do, even the ones that I thought were idiots passed. (Y/n) was the next cadet to be picked, Shadis stepped her up as the rest of us watched her dangle there. In a few seconds, she started to fall asleep.

UnBreakable: Mikasa x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now