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Y/n's POV

“Hmm? All these people look like ants from up here.”

Mika: “Your right they do look like ants, but on the other side of the wall...the Titans still look like Titans.”

“True, though I wish we didn't get stuck with...”

Mika: “With what?”

“Wait...get ready something is coming”

Mika: “Wh-whats going on!”

In an instant lighting struck by the wall, hitting the ground with a loud bang. Smoke formed into existence, revealing a Titan. The same Titan that destroyed wall rose all those years ago.

Everyone's eyes widened in pure shock at the sudden appearance of the Colaussul Titan. The smell of fear stuck everyone's faces like glue.

Eren: “Finally! I get to kill one of Titans that destroyed our home!”

“EREN! DON'T BE...” I was cut off by the sight of Eren attacking. The Titan swatted at Eren, making him loose his balance. “Damn it Eren! don't be so reckless, your lucky the Titan just broke your wires or you'll seriously be hurt!”

Eren: “Trust me I can get him I just need one good hit!”

Connie: “Wait what's it doing?”

I looked up to see what Connie was talking about. It lifted it's leg into the air, ready as if it was going to kick a ball. Realization struck me, “Its going to kick a whole in the wall, just like it did to wall rose. Everyone prepare for a fight!!”



Nothing but screams could be heared in the streets of Trost. Titans of all sizes walked through the newly made entrance.

Eren: DAMN YOU!!!”

In his rage Eren lept off the wall in a second attempt to strike down the Colaussul Titan. Honestly it's taking all my strength not to go crazy like Eren.

Seeing all this pain and sadness is pissing me off. I don't know who's controlling these Titans, but whoever it is... “Wh0 LoOks aT thIs ShIt AnD tHiNkS tHiS shIt iS oKAy!!”

Mika: “I don't know, but we need to help evacuate the citizens.”

“Your right”


“Hey! We need to do what Mika suggested, we need to help the citizens evacuate Trost. Take as many of those bastards down as you can.”

Unsheathing my swords, I was prepared to take down any Titan in my path. I launched myself off the wall with Mika doing the same behind me.


A Titan stood tall above all the abandoned homes. It was holding what seemed to be a blonde girl with short hair. She almost looked like the girl version of Armin.

She was about to be eaten when I rushed the Titan and cut the arm that was holding her off. While Mika took care of the rest.

“Are you ok?”

??: “Y-Yes, th-thank you for saving me!”


Mikasa's POV

Y/n: “No problem, I was just doing my job. Now that your out of danger we need to get you to the gate.”

“You go and help the others, I'll make sure she gets their safe”

Y/n: “Thank you Mika”

Y/n steps closer and gives me quick kiss. Hoping that it wouldn't be our last.


?? 's POV

“Damn... So she's taken!”

UnBreakable: Mikasa x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now