Story Two

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The Lumbering Giant and the Nimble Fly.
Big Brother and Little Sister.

As the sun doth set, and the sky turned gray, and the soil welcomes the coming night, a small fly flutters and tutters and dances a little jig. Out in yard, full of green, leapeth the little fly in all nimbling ways.

Soon after, some laughter comes not from afar. Not the fly doth guffaw so deep from within, but rather the great Giant who comes a' lumbering down his great stoop. Into the yard he steps with grand display, "Ho, ho!" he boometh his magnificent voice, " Hullo, Little Fly, tis I! Come to catch you, I do. "

And with his great stick, tall and thick, he strode out into his garden of green. Up, up, up he threw, the stick flying high into the air. Down, down, down it fell, crashing into the dell.

The Little Fly, just barely scraped by with her fluttering wings. "Oh me, oh my," saith the Fly, " you shall never catch me. "

Then off she flew, up and around his head, dizzying the laughing man. Down and around she sped, and took off for the shed.

The great Giant sat down after a while, and laughed 'till the grass grew dew. The sun went down, and rose again to bring out the little dancing fly. Soon, the lumbering gait would announce the chase of the Giant to the Fly.

Never to catch her, all full of laughter, to Giant wouldst persist. Dashing 'round the air wouldst the Fly, ne'er despare, and dance 'till the moon shone.

And thus, the story of the Lumbering Giant and the Nimble Fly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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