why am I even doing this

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litterally, NOBODY reads it hahahahaha

well, ehm, yea I'm starting to think that this might be useless.

I wanted to do it to kind of "reach out to the world" for help, or for friends, but I guess the world is telling me that if I really do, need help, I'm gonna have to scream nd shout it.

This is apparently not loud enough, and I can totally see why, but how can I be louder?
I'm too afraid, and confused, and inicure.


I'll figure it out (I mean I hope hahahaha)

Anyways, I'm in France now :)
Tomorrow it's my little cousin's birthday party

uGH I love kids but sometimes I also don't.


happy coming out day, did you come out to anyone today?
I didn't, I'm not ready yet, but the time will come :)


up I forgot to say something while I'm at it...

shit I'm useless, and delusional, and all of that.

Just had to remind myself that didn't I huh

T.A.L.K.🌻Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora