Don't Call Me Angel

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The guys dropped me off at the mall with the thousand dollars while they went to deal with the watch.

I went through store to store, having the time of my life, not even caring to look at price tags. My arms were weighed down with bags by the time Beck called to say they were on their way to meet me and go to the gold shop, which was in the mall. It was right next to a Victoria's Secret, so I decided to take a look around there while I waited.

I saw a really cute black lace bra, so I started to look through for my size, when I heard a voice behind me.

"Damn, who you buying that for, angel?"

I turned around. A greasy looking guy was standing uncomfortably close to me. What kind of single man spends the whole day hanging around an underwear store to hit on women? Not one I wanted to talk to.

"Oh, cause the models are called angels," I replied in a completely flat voice, "Funny."

"No, angel because you look straight out of heaven," He took a step even closer.

"My husband will be here any second now, and if you get any closer you'll be seeing some form of afterlife, anyway," I hissed through my teeth, "I wouldn't put my money on heaven."

As if on que, Jaxon showed up. I gave him the "help me" look as soon as he walked through the door.

"Why are you so close to my wife?" Jaxon asked, icy eyes staring straight into the man's soul, emphasising his accent to sound more intimidating.

"I don't see no wedding ring," The man argued.

"It's getting cleaned, as she deserves only the brightest diamonds," He slid his hand out his pocket, "But as you can see, mine is right here."

He held his hand in a fist in front of the man's face, the stolen ring around his finger. I saw fear flicker in the man's eyes for the first time as Jaxon towered over him, and it was clear even from just a glance who had more muscle mass.

"So I suggest you run along, little bitch boy."

The man gulped and nodded, hurriedly walking away and out of the store.

"You okay?" Jaxon asked.

"Yeah, definitely used to it by now," I sighed, "Where's Beck?"

"Restroom, he'll be back soon."

"Okay, I'll go pay for this and then we can go sell the ring."

As I handed the cashier the money, Jaxon looked at the money I had left in my purse, or lack thereof for that matter.

"Where did the money go?"

I glanced down at all my bags, then back up at him.

"Take a wild guess. How much did you get from the watch?"

"More than I thought we would," He smirked, "15k is more than enough for a few nights in Vegas, right?"

"We'll be more than fine, plus we still have the money from the ring to add on top of that."

"Yeah, I'm not sure how much more, though."

We walked into the gold shop, and struck up a conversation with the man at the counter.

"My grandfather died recently, and he left behind a ring, we were wondering how much we could get for it?"

"Well, let me take a look at it," The jeweller said as Jaxon handed him the gold band.

He inspected it closely for a few minutes.

"Well, it is a Cartier," He announced, "So you'll be looking at close to a thousand dollars, unless you'd rather keep it now?"

"What do you think we should do?" I asked Jaxon, pretending to be conflicted.

"As sad as it is, we need the money more," Jaxon nodded solemnly, "So we're gonna have to go with that."

The jeweller nodded before going to sort out the transaction.

"Sorry for your loss," He said as he handed over the cash.

"Thank you," I replied, "Thanks for your help!"

"Anytime, my dear," The jeweller waved us out.

Beck was waiting on us outside the store.

"How'd you get on?"

"Another thousand for the Vegas fund," Jaxon smiled.


"Yeah, it was a designer ring," I explained, "Worth loads more than we thought, huh?"

"This is gonna be the best trip ever!"

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