Chapter 15

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"He ran off somewhere," Seungyoun says as he walks beside Wooseok. "Didn't he say he was looking for Xiao-ge?" The shorter man replied as they stopped at the bus stop. Seungyoun gasped and immediately smiled. "Right! How could I be so stupid?"

"You are stupid, anyways, the bus is here, goodbye," Wooseok deadpanned as the bus arrived. He was about to get inside but a warm hand suddenly grabs his. "What?" He turns to the taller man in confusion. "Can you spend the whole day with me at the festival tomorrow?" Seungyoun said as his words died down at the last part, Wooseok's eyes widen in surprise and couldn't help the heat rising from his face. What's with this guy!

"I'm so busy t-tomorrow!" He stuttered and quickly breaks free from Seungyoun's hold. He quickly went inside the bus without looking back. Wooseok could feel his heart thumping as he sat at the backside of the bus. He steals a glance at Seungyoun who was outside, he thought he'd have an expression of gloominess but to his surprise once more, The taller man was smiling at him as he waves goodbye.

He quickly looks away as the bus started to move and whispered under his breath, "Idiot."

• • •

"Thanks," Xiao Zhan said as he faces Wang Yibo. The junior nods his head in agreement and said, "Lock your doors and windows."

"Will sure do," the president replied and he coughs awkwardly, "Sorry about this morning." Yibo immediately looks up at him and shakes his head. "No, I was the one triggering your... Anxiety, I'm truly sorry," he whispered.

Xiao Zhan gives a dry laugh and gave Yibo a pat on the shoulder, "Aigo, let's not talk about it anymore. We'll try to get along, yeah?" Wang Yibo hums once more and Xiao Zhan just smiled as he climbs the stairs and gets inside his apartment. The vice-president made sure that no one was around stalking or anything, with a relieved sigh, he rides his motorbike and drove off.

Xiao Zhan looks through the window, the figure of the young man driving away, he couldn't help but smile and whispered to himself, "He's not so bad after all".

The president went to the bathroom to wash his face, as he stared at himself at the mirror, he looked horrible. His eyes were puffy and red from crying and his hair looks like a bird's nest. Even his uniform was all crumpled and out of place. He turns on the faucet and started washing his face.

After fixing himself, he went to the kitchen to eat some supper and as he sat down, waiting for his instant noodles to be ready, his phone suddenly rang. He takes his phone and his brows furrowed as he sees it was from an unknown number. Maybe one of the student council members, one of them has a new number?

He swipes his phone to the left and answers it. Xiao Zhan puts the phone in his ear and waits for the person to speak. "Hello?" He asked as he waited for a reply. He can only hear a bit of static and no one was actually talking from the other line. "Um, hello? Who is this?" Xiao Zhan asked once more and he suddenly felt a chill down his spine. A bit more static was heard and some shuffling noises from the other side. He thought it was some sick prank and he was about to end the call when someone spoke.

"Why not take a look from your window?" a low voice said and Xiao Zhan immediately breaks into a sweat. His hands shivered as he quickly rushed to lock his doors and windows. His heart thumps at the thought of checking the last window. It was pitch black outside since it was already night time. Even though he's from the 2nd floor, he doesn't want to see his face.

"Are you done locking up?" Completely forgetting the person at the other line, Xiao Zhan gulped a huge amount of saliva as his lips quivered. "Go away or I'll call the police," he said, trying to give out some force. A chuckled was heard from the call. "Relax, I won't do anything to you," the man starts, "Well, not yet."

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