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They're arguing again.

I grab my headphones and keep my TV on.

She'll guess I'm still in here.

I turn the light off and open my window, slipping out into the dark outside. Walking along the sidewalk, I spot my friends house and start walking in that direction. Her parents know me and don't care if i randomly show up. I'm thankful for it tonight. I'm just tired.

I knock on her window and wait for her to reply.

"It's open." I hear her say. I push it up and roll inside. I don't get up though. I stay on the floor and stare up at the ceiling.

"Arguing again?" She says with a chuckle.

I nod and close my eyes.

"Hey, I got a comforter for you this time. So u can sleep on it instead of at the foot of my bed." She says, pointing at the closet.

I get up and turn the light off before laying at the foot of her bed anyway.

"Ugh, why do I even try?" She says before turning over.

I smile and turn to tickle her feet which makes her scream and jump out of bed.

"No! That's what we're NOT gonna do." She says crossing her arms.

"Alright you two, no horseplaying. It's 11 o'clock and y'all got school tomorrow. Lights out." Her mom said through the door.

"Yes ma'am." We both said. "Good night mom!" She added.

That's why I like it here. No yelling. Her mom knows why I come here yet she doesn't say anything on it. She's actually invited me to dinner one night when the arguing started when i got home from school.

"I will cuddle you to make sure you don't." She says.

I shrug and move to beside where she'd sleep.

"Ugh...move over you slug."

I do so and lay on my back, eyes on the ceiling. She lays down beside me, close but not too close to me. Soon enough we fall asleep like that.

----Next Morning around 7am----

I wake up first and couldn't move the right side of my body. I look down to see her leg draped over my thigh and her head on over my chest. One of her hands clenched my shirt, while the other was around my arm.

I sigh and tap her forehead with my free hand. "Aaliyah wake up. We gotta get ready."

She comes to yawning and lifting herself up to stretch. "Alright grumpy bear. I think your spare clothes are in my dresser."

I stand up and stretch before walking over and reach towards one if the top drawers.

"No! Not that one you idiot!" She says loudly.

I chuckle and open the drawer I know it's in.

"I swear, it's like you were created to embarrass me." She says, stuffinh a pillow in her face.

"I'll be back." I leave her room and close the door, and heading to the bathroom.

I take a shower, brush my teeth, and put my clothes on. I look in the mirror and make weird faces that somehow make others laugh.

But it can't make me laugh.

I shrug it off before my brain goes into lala land. Opening the door, I step out and head to her room.

"No. He's just a friend."

I pause and eavesdrop. I know it's wrong. But fuck it.

"No! You can't date him. Why?- N-no.. That's not the point. He doesn't want anyone to be real with you.... Yeah cause I'm his closest friend. He can literally walk to my house. You live all the way in Hiram." She giggles. "If he did, it'll probably be just to smash you. Ewww grosssss. I'm hanging up, I'm sure he's eavesdropping. Yeah- yeah I'll see you at school. Byebye!"

I hear nothing for a minute.

"Ugh, I know you're there ya creep." She says.

I open it and raise my eyebrow at her.

"What? That was Ny'Asia. Don't act like you don't know I have a crush on you." She jumps up quickly and tries to rush past me. I don't let her amd swallow her up in a hug.

"Thanks for letting me crash here." I say.

"Yeah yeah, now let me go get dressed before I suffocate. I'd rather not be in my underwear when the coroner arrives." She urges while poking my sude drastically.

I chuckle amd let go. "Imma head out."

"Alright, close the window after yourself."

I nod and leave, closing the window after me. I then reach in my pocket and grab my blunt and lighter. I think for a second and put it back in my pocket. Not now.

I then reach my house and crawl through my window. I turn my TV off and unlock my door. Stepping out, I walk out, grab a poptart, and walk out the front door closing it behind me.

Once I make it to the bus stop, I sit by my tree and pull out my blunt and lighter. I take a long drag before before blowing it out.

I share my bus stop with Aaliyah(who's in my grade) and these 3 white boys who are Seniors. I'm a sophomore. I turn 16 next semester so it won't look as bad to see me smoking.

They often look at me and scold me. But I be too high to retaliate. That's why I have Aaliyah to "protect" me.

She comes and sits next to me. I was about to take another hit but she takes it from me and takes a puff. I snatch it back amd she pouts.

"Sharing is caring." She says crossing her arms but giggling.

"What I say last time if u took it without asking." I simply say.

She looks as if she's seen a ghost, then she blushes like crazy.

Keeping my word, I lean over and attack her neck while she laughs and keeps trying to push me away. I finally stop and take another hit.

When she calmed down she looks as me and squints her eyes. "If I don't get another, then Imma return the favor."

My eyes widen but then the bus pulls up. "Aw man. Oh well. Next time maybe?"

"Ugh. So annoying."

I chuckle and help her up. "Relax, one puff is enough for you."



I step off the bus and give Aaliyah a hug before walking home. Man I didn't want to go back.

I didn't even get to the door. Hell, I didn't even get in the yard yet before seeing my mom with a U-Haul.

My heart dropped.

She looks at me and smiles. "We're finally finna move! I'm about to get my own place and be done with the hellhole!"

I quickly got my act together and nod. She motions for me to get in the passenger side, which I do, and we drive to a city called "Carrollton". This'll be the 5th city I'll call "home".

Do I even really have a home?

Going down the road, she was explaining to me house it's more country than our past homes. The people are more friendly here and the house was close to her job.

I listen, but think about something else. New house means new friends. New house means no weed contacts. New house means having to break Aaliyah's heart.

Well...it's a good thing we're moving. Right? I mean, my mom will be more happy. So that's a plus. My brothers won't have to listen to them fuss either. So double plus.

Maybe it'll be fine.

Just maybe.

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