First Friend

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"Really? I'm surprised their band director let you march with a Barisax." Mr. Carr said amazed.

"Yeah. The cold was the only downfall. My fingers were popsicles when we got on thw final street." I said, reminiscing.

"Well, I know you said you're good at Barisax...but we neeeed some more baritones..."

Ah shit. I really was hoping to do barisax. Fuck!

"Yeah okay."

"So you'll play baritone?" He asked. I nod, hiding my disappointment. "Alright great. I'm going to put you in Concert Band since you're new and all. Mr. Bright will sometimes stop by to help you with the fingerings. I'll get Tyson or Nathan to help you when he can't."

I nod and we rise and shake hands. "Welcome to the Trojan Band, Quin."

I smile and nod, heading out of his office. Yeah I'm definitely not doing this next school year.

I sigh and walk towards the cubby area where everyone else was heading. Just as I got to the door, a short girl with glasses rushes out. I saw a glimpse of her, but holy guacamole she was cute asf. And why is she running? Wait, nvm. She must've had the class before this block. Aww, she has to run. Wish I could run with her. Nah nvm, that'd be weird and she'll probably put a restraining order on me. But damn, I wonder what's her name.

"My guy, you don't want to be eyeballing her. That's Mr. Redwine's daughter." The dude from early says, coming out with two instruments. He hands me one.

Dammit. Why she gotta be a teacher's kid? Ain't nothing wrong with it, but I ain't with it being watched constantly. Me and Authority already don't mix well. Something I seem to always have a problem with is the authorities🤔. "Uh..thanks? And she ran past me, not my fault she caught my attention."

Dammit. Another slip up. Hopefully he didn't catch that I lowkey called her attractive.

"Mhm. Well the name's Tyson. I'll teach you further in the arts of a baritone!" He says proudly but without enthusiasm.

I guess so?

3rd Block

"Okay y'all, its almost that time. Make sure you push your chairs in when you guys leave." Mr. Baker says.

"Alright Q, you ready for lunch?" Barnes says.

"Yeah, sure." I simply say.

"Me and Tyson we'll show you, don't worry." He nods dramatically.

"If y'all can keep up." Tyson says, joining our conversation.

"I'm pretty sure I can keep up with you two."

They look at each other and start laughing.

"What's your fastest mile time?" Barnes ask.

"My whatest what time?" I ask.

"Ohhh my gawd" Tyson sings, tears coming from his eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I say, starting to laugh from how hard he's laughing.

"No nu nu, we'll see. Barnes we'll see."

"Oh yeah. If he fast, I'm recruiting him." He says, still laughing.


*bell rings*

Without thinking I spring up and dash to the door, and take off down the hallway. A lot of people were pouring out of their classrooms so I followed them. I heard a bunch of "Move!" and "Beat him Tyson!"

Soon after he said that, Tyson was right beside me. Correction.

He was passing me.

I tried to crank it into high gear but the skinny jeans restricted me and soon he was leaving me in his dust.

I smirk. I always liked me a good challenge to test my physicality.


"Uh huh. Yeah. I'm recruiting him." Barnes says.

"I should be the one to recruit him since he beat you!" Jones fires back.

"I was only behind cause people got in the way!"

"Well you should've yelled "Move!" like I did."

"Aye. Recruit me for what?" I ask.

They stop and look at each other. Then they both start firing questions at me at the same time.

"Aye aye AYE! Chill. Barnes, since you claimed it first, you tell me." I compromise.

"Alright. Do you have interest in the military?" Barnes asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"Do you like marching?"

"Ehhh, I guess."

"Do you like PT?"

"What's that?" I ask.

"Physical Training." He answers.

"Like..working out?"

"Yep." He says, nodding.

"Then yes."

"Well I got the organization for you! Join-" He stands up. "Our Air Force Junior ROTC. Unit GA-20061." He then moves sharply to the left and then the same way back to us.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked laughing.

"Stationary movements." He says, smiling and sitting down.

"I have to learn that?"



He hesitates before saying. "I forgot mention...we have to wear a uniform every Tuesday. You alright with doing that."

"What does it look like?"

He looks surprised then pulls out his phone and shows me a pic of him in uniform.

"Nice. Yeah, I have no problem with that."


"Mhmm. Why you so surprised?"

"A LOT of people don't join because they have to wear the uniform." Tyson says for him.

"I don't see why...its just for a day? And it doesn't even look bad." I say, confused with this generation.

"Yeah. This youngins don't know class if it hit them in the booty."

Tyson chuckle and says in a weird robot-like voice, "Da booty." He the again, kills himself with that laugh that I've quickly put as his own signature laugh.

I chuckle and continue eating my fries. I then get the sense that I was being watched. I slowly and casually look around. Just when I was about to continue eating, a girl abruptly turned back to her group of friends.

Hmm...something about her... I don't know. I'm probably being paranoid.

"Who you eyeballing Q?"

"No one." I quickly say and start eating my fries. Him and Tyson look in the direction I was looking and I slap my face. "Idiots."

Tyson looks back at me with raised eyebrows and shrugs. "Good luck with that one."


"He used to date her. I'm not gonna tell you who not to talk to but..." He looks at Tyson. "Nevermind."

"Nahhh, tell me what's up."

"I'll let her tell you if y'all start talking."

I just sigh out in frustration. "Fine."

"After milestones week, come with me one day after school to talk to Major. So we can get you into the class"

"Alrighty." I say, as the bell rings to end our lunch period.

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