Question #7

158 15 7

Q: You Live In Canada and You Speak French; Do You Go To An English School Or A French School?

A: Yay another awesome Canadian buddy aha (and a frenchie at that c;) I went to a French immersion elementary school so all of my classes we're in French (except of course English and P.E). When Middle School rolled around (Gr. 7-9) I attended an immersion school as well; which mean't all of my classes we're in French expect English, Gym and my electives. 

Now this year for High School I wouldn't necessarily call it immersion but it basically is! To get my Dogwood I have to take a minimum of 6 French courses in my 3 years of High School plus I have to take French EVERY YEAR to graduate with a Dogwood; so like English, French is my other required course. This means my school year will probably look like this...

Gr. 10- Francais, Sciences Humaines, Sciences 

Gr. 11- Francais, Sciences Humaines OR Planning 11 (in French)

Gr. 12- Francais

man that was a long answer hehe sorry! 

Do you go to an all French school??

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