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The door was an average wooden door and it had an average brass doorknob. Beyond the door was a bedroom that definitely belonged to a boy. The walls of the room are blue with white trim and the carpet it stretched across the floor is blue as well. A light fixture hung in the middle of the ceiling and gave some light to the room. On the right stood a brown dresser with some magazines on top of it and a pack out of cigarettes lay on the dresser as well.

A black leather jacket hung on a hook next to the dresser and a blue curtain hung on the window in the far wall. A small table stood under the window with a radio on top of it playing some music. A nightstand stood against the left wall with an alarm clock on top of it and next to it was to single bed with white sheets and a blue blanket. The Bell on the alarm rang and a hand reached out to shut it off. The covers fell back as the boy set up on the edge of his bed. He stretched his arms as he let out a yawn and then ran his fingers through his shoulder length brown hair.

He walked over to the dresser and looked into the mirror at his reflection and his hazel eyes look back at him. He is a bit taller then the average boy, with a slim body and a muscular frame. Max is 18 years old, he acts real tough and love's to play pranks on people. Max pulled out some blue jeans it slipped into them, he grabbed blue shirt, putting it on and slipped on black boots before grabbing leather jacket slipping into it.

He grabbed lighter and cigarettes off the dresser and put them and his jacket pocket. He stepped out of his room and walk to the front door scooping up his backpack as he went. Max open the front door, stepping outside and closing the door behind him. He left a small house behind as he started is walk towards Morgan high.

Max walked down a few blocks before coming to JJ's and decided get him something to drink. "Hey watch where you're going." A boy said as Max shoulder him aside. He made his way through the store meeting people move out of his way as he went. Max grabbed himself a fountain drink and went to the counter to pay for it. After he paid for the drink Max made its way out the door and continued on down the street Morgan high.

Other students scrambled out of his way to avoid being knocked around by him. Max look like the type of person you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Max walk down the hallway and turn right at the stairs. He continued down the whole way until he came to his classroom. Max stepped inside and walked to his seat at the far end of the classroom. He set is backpack down before sitting in his seat.

The classroom was filled with chatter as other students stood around talking. Max looked around the room, bout didn't find anyone he could torment at the moment. Max's hazel eyes lit up as he saw Tia walk into the classroom. He watched as she walked towards him and prepared to stick his foot out. Tia turned down his isle and as she got close, Max stuck out his foot just in time.

Max watched as Tia fell to the floor with a grunt and he burst into a fit or laughter. He watched as Tia glared at him, stood up and walked to her desk. Everything quieted down when the teacher arrived everyone got quiet. The morning passed with out any other incadent when the lunch Bell rang, Max packed up his things and headed out of the classroom.

Max walked down the hallway and entered the cafeteria. The line stopped as they saw him enter the room and let him go before them. The other students were scared of him and tried to steer clear of him. Max got his lunch and found an empty table to sit at. Max let out a Snicker as he saw Tia step into the room and head to the line.

A smile spread across Max's face as he saw Tia and another girl towards him. Just as Tia reached the table he was sitting at, Max stuck out his foot. Tia tripped but before she fell the other girl grab your tray. Max frowned as he saw that Tia wasn't going to get dirty. Max let out a sigh and turn back to his lunch.

After lunch he returned to the classroom and the rest of the day went by quietly. When I get out this place, I am never coming back, Max thought as he did his work. The school bell rang and Max packed his things and stood up to leave. Max walked out of the classroom and down the hallway and turned towards the doors has he came to the stairs in the hallway.

Mike stud through the doors and lit a cigarette, before he continued across the grounds at school. Turn towards JJ's and headed down the street along with other students. Max stopped at JJ's and bought a fountain soda before going outside and sitting on a bench. Max watched as other students came and went, looking a student that he could torment.

Next flicked his cigarette at a student just to see his reaction. The boy look back and when he saw Max he turned around and hurried away. Max let out of laugh as he watched the boy hurriedly speed away from him. Max sat there for a while throwing rocks among other things at passing people and thought that it was the funniest thing around.

Max stood up after a while and headed back home. One of these days, I'm going to leave school and I am going to be rich, Max thought as he walked down the street. It was a long walk to his house and he had plenty of time to think about everything and hoped the things but turnout well.

When Max reached his home, he unlocked the door and stepped inside. He shut the door behind him and set his backpack down, before heading into the kitchen to make something to eat. After making some burritos, he went to his bedroom and set down on his bed, before he begin to eat the burritos.

Max stood up, took off his jacket and hung it on the hook next to the dresser. He picked up a magazine, returned to his bed and lay down in it. He read the first article and looked at the pictures that went with it. He continued reading through the magazine as the sun set and this guy turns dark.

Max continued to read the magazines one by one as the night continued on. Maybe I can be I mechanic come on and make lots of money fixing people's cars, Max thought as he looked sue a car magazine. When Max just finished reading the magazines he decided to watch a little TV. Max got up turn on the TV and change the station until he found one that he like.

Max returned to his bed, laying down on it and watch the movie he had picked. Max wasn't it stuff or mean as he made himself out to be, he was rather I'm nice friendly person who had horrible things happened to him. Because of all the pain and it's past he made and alter ego in order to protect himself from others who had hurt him.

Max used to be a small skinny boy and others used to pick on him around the age of 9, he begin to work out and by the time he was 12 he had gotten stronger and made up the tough kid persona and started she smoking cigarettes just to make himself look tougher. Max was actually short 4 Maxwell and he never did like that name, so when he saw the opportunity they changed it to Max.

Max Head grew up in a normal household, two parents that would really nice and they gave him whatever he needed. Everything changed the day is father died and he has never been the same again. Max continued to watch the show when it was over he got up and change the channel to another program.

Max lay down again and was watching another movie about an alien innovation. The movie it's getting so intense that Max couldn't take his eyes how's the screen. He was really enjoying the movie and was excited find out what happened at the end of it, it was getting to the good part of the movie, but before he could see what happened everything and black.

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