Moving on

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Raven opened her eyes and found her vision a bit blurry. She thought she saw an arm draped over her body and turned her head to see a face in front of her. Her head begin to spin as she got dizzy. She tried to focus but it caused her pain and then everything went black.

Ivy blinked her eyes and stretched, as she let out a yawn. Looking around she noticed Typhoon arm draped over Raven's body. Quietly she made her way over to them and gently removed Typhoon's arm, so no one else would see his arm on her.

If they wanted anyone to know they would have told them, Ivy thought as she made her way outside. Clouds dotted the sky and she could see in the distance more clouds moving in.

Typhoon opened his eyes and stretched as he let out a yawn. He sat up and looked around, noticing that Ivy was already awake. Typhoon checked on Raven, before getting up and walking outside.

Ivy turn towards Typhoon as she heard footsteps behind her. "Looks like rain," Ivy said and she looked up at the sky once again.

"Guess we'll be staying for a little while?" Typhoon replied as he looked up.

"By the way if you don't want anyone to know, I'd keep one's hands to oneself." Ivy said with a raised brow.

"Your...your not going to tell anyone...are you?" Typhoon stuttered with a worried look upon his face.

Ivy looked over at Typhoon and saw desperation on his face. "No, it's your guys's business not mine." Ivy said before turning and heading back inside. Typhoon let out a sigh of relief and followed Ivy inside.

Blaze was already awake and looked up as they entered. "Good morning." He said.

"Not really, looks like we're going to have rain." Ivy said has she sat down on her bedroll.

"Crash wake up, we need to get going if we're going to catch anything to eat." Blaze said as he shook Crash's shoulder lightly.

"What's up?" Crash asked as he set up and looked at Blaze.

"It's going to rain, we need to get something to eat before it pours." Blaze replied.

"Shhh, I'm trying to sleep." Ice grumbled in a low tone. Grins appeared on everyone's faces as they tried not to laugh at Ice. Blaze and Crash took off to search for some protein, while Ivy and Typhoon checked on Raven.

"I can't sleep with everybody being so darn noisy." Ice said as she sat up.

"Good." Ivy said as she stood up. "You can come with me to look for supplies." Ivy said as she turned towards the opening.

"I don't want to work." Ice whined as she stood up. Typhoon watched as they left and then returned his attention to Raven. Meanwhile Blaze and Crash chased down a rabbit. They cornered it and Crash grabbed it by the neck. One quick twist and he snapped the rabbits neck.

They cleaned the rabbit, as the first drops of rain begin. "We can clean our hands now." Crash said as he held out his bloody hands.

Meanwhile ivy and Ice went from building to building in search of a ythi g that would come in handy. " I found some batteries." Ice said as she held up a package of D batteries.

"Great we can use them for the flashlights." Ivy said as she walked over and helped put them in a bag. Ivy turned her head as she heard the splatter of water hitting the ground. "We. Better start back." She said as they turned to leave.

"I won't argue with that." Ice said, causing Ivy to roll her eyes. Just as they stepped outside, they heard a hoot and looked behind them. Blaze and Crash just stepped out of the woods with a skinned rabbit in their hands.

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