Cover of Darkness

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They slipped into the dark without making a sound. "We may not need the storm Typhoon, everyone seems to be asleep," Blaze said as they left the farm and made their way towards Hell Town.

"Let's hope our luck doesn't change," Typhoon replied as they continued to the town. As they approched, they noticed that the town was nearly all asleep. Voice's issued from the Inn as they passed and they saw a drunk on the ground mumbling while he slept it off. They passed through the deserved town with ease and leaving the town behind them, started up the steep hill. Luck was still with them as a path wound up the hill.

"Look, up ahaid," ivy said as she pointed at the Morlock that stood on guard halfway up the hill.

"I've got this one," Raven said and she looked around. Spotting a large rock behind the Morlock she concentrated on it. The large Rock levitated into the air and above the Morlock. Raven brought it crashing down on its head and the Morlock hit the ground with a thud.

"Well that was easy," Ice said as if she had done it herself. Everyone's eyes turned towards Ice and they looked at her with surprise. "What...did I say something wrong?" She asked.

They all rolled their eyes and continued on the trail but as they neared the top, they saw two Morlock's standing at the gate. "We need to find another way in," Crash said as he looked around the area.

"Like there would be another way in," Ice said with a guffaw. Everyone's attention was on Ice and her remark, nobody saw Crash slip off into the Blaze, after looking around realized that Crash was no longer there.

"Crash took off, we'll have to wait for him,' Blaze said let our a irritated sigh.not long after he had made the comment, Crash reappeared out of the darkness.

"Where did you disappear to?" Typhoon asked as he saw Crash walk towards them with a grin.

"I found a way in, follow me. With a shruge they left the trail and skirted the side of the steep hill, grasping for hand holds so they would go tumbl- ing down. It was a slow trek, but they soon came to a large concrete pipe that stuck out the side of the hill.

They sat down to rest after everything climbed in to safety. "This used to be part of the cities sewer system," Crash said.

"Eww! we're in a sewer, let me out of here," Ice said with disgust, as Ice stood up. Blaze reached up, grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down.

"Crash said it used to be, that means it isn't used anymore," Blaze said as Ice sat down next to him again.

"I believe this one is connected with the Fort," Crash said as he pointed up.

"Well at least we won't be seen walking through this," Ivy said as she agreed with the decision Crash made.

"One little problem," Ice replied, holding her fingers an  inch apart from each other.

"What's that?" Typhoon asked as he let out an irritated sigh.

"Duh, it's dark in here and we can't see," Ice said sarcastically as she folded her arms.

"We have these," Raven said as she pulled out her flashlight and turned it on.

"Fine, we'll walk through the smelly old tunnel," Ice grumbled as she stood up. Everyone let out a groan after Ice had once again complained about something.

Raven lead the way, followed by Typhoon, Ivy, Crash, Ice and Blaze at the end. They walked through the tunnel for some distance, before Raven made a sudden stop. Typhoon ran into Raven, Ivy ran into Typhoon, Crash ran into Ivy, ice ran into Crash and Blaze ran into Ice like dominoes.

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