Stealth Mode

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"we have to do this quietly so nobody will raise an alarm." Typhoon said as they left the cell and continued down the corridor. Eyes peered out the opening in the doors as people watched them pass. They stopped at the next corner and Blaze peeked around it and saw a Morlock heading towards them. Blaze pulled Crash to the corner and had him take a peek. Crash gave a nod and balled up his fist.

When the Morlock turned the corner, he ran into Crash's fist. The Morlock hit the ground hard and lay motionless on the ground. Typhoon and Blaze picked up the Morlock and carried him to an empty cell. While Typhoon tied and gaged the Morlock, as Blaze rook the keys off the Morlock.

After returning to the others, they went around the corner and continued through the corridor. When they came to the end, they found a flight of stairs. Slowly making their way up keeping an eye out for any more guards. They had made it close to the top when Crash noticed two guards at the top of the stairs.

Blaze and Crash slapped one hand over their mouths, pulling them down the stairs. The Morlock's struggled as they were tied and gaged. They were tossing them in withith the other guard. Returning to the top of the stairs they looked around.

They saw Morlock's coming and going from the rooms. "This floor must be the one that house's the staff." Blaze whispered.

"We need to be careful." Ivy whispered in a low tone from behind the others. When the hall- way was clear, each one slipped out of the stair- well and into an alcove near by. Raven took down a Morlock that inadvertently stepped out of the door she was having by.

Luckily Raven covered his mouth before he could cry out and knocked him out by slamming his head against the door jam with force. Everyone held their breath and hoped the noise didn't attract attention to themselves.

After waiting for a few minutes, they were sure that they weren't heard and continued through the hallway, avoiding the Morlock's that appeared on The floor. Finding another flight of stairs they made their way to the next floor.

This floor was quite and seemed to be empty. It was a rather large room with concrete walls and wooden floor. A chandelier hung from the ceiling and gave light to the room from each small gas lamp that hung from it.against the back wall was what looked like a bed only it was shaped like a birds nest. It had a white sheet and red blanket stretched across it.

Against the right wall stood a mahogany desk and matching chair. Against the left wall stood a bookcase filled with books. "This must be it's room, let's see what's in the bookcase." Raven said as she walked over to it. Everyone followed and begin to look at the titles with a curious look on their faces.

The titles were as follows, How to make a warrior, How to make creatures, Potions that enslave, kill or immobilize. A noise from the hallway gave them a start and they all hid by the bed, hoping that they wouldn't be seen by anyone.

The door swung open and a Morlock stepped inside with a box in his hands. He walked over to the desk and set the box on it. He turned around and walked back out of the room, shutting the door behind him. They all let out a sigh of relief as they stood up. "I'm glad he didn't see us." Ice said with a nervous look on her face.

"We better get going before someone catches us." Ivy said as she started walking towards the door. They stepped into the corridor and came face to face with a Morlock. Before he could scream Crash hit him so hard, his head bounced off the floor with a loud thump.

They drug the Morlock inside and made their way to the staircase. Slowly slowly made their way up the stairs and onto the next landing.on this floor Morlock's rushed around with trays of food. The kitchen was huge, it had three wood burning stooves lined up in the middle of the room and had a total of eighteen burners in all.

Swinging doors opened into a dinning area, filled with tables and chairs. "How are we going to get to the next set of stairs?" Ice whispered as she watched the activity in the kitchen.

"I'll show you." Typhoon said as he grabbed a tray and held it in front of his face. Typhoon walked across the room and placed it on the counter opposite. He slipped into the landing and motioned for the others too follow.

Raven went next and it seemed that the Morlock's were so busy they didn't notice her cross the room. After Raven made it safely across, Blaze and the others made their way across. "I can't believe they didn't notice us." Ice said with a dumb- founded look on her clueless face.

They followed Typhoon up the stairs to the next landing.this room was big. The stone walls had banners of black and goldhung on them. At the front of the room stood a podium and rows of chairs filled the room. There was nobody in the room and they made their way across to the other side. Slipping up the stairs, they came to a room where they could hear voice's.

Quietly they neared the top of the stairs and stopped to stair at what they saw.

Dragon sat on a throne of bones, his bat like wings folded behind him. Three Morlock's stood on either side of the room and had armor and swords on them. Another Morlock stood in front of Drago nervously wringing his hands. "Any 2ord on Scar?" Drago asked as he looked down at the Morlock with his evil red eyes.

" s...sir." Stuttered the Morlock in a squeaky scared tone.

"Then send out a search party and if they are alive bring them back so I can tare them apart!" Drago said in a loud booming voice that made everyone jump with a start., wish." The Morlock said as he quickly made his way out of the room, heart pounding inside of his chest.

Another Morlock entered the room pulling a cart full of an assortment of food. "Sir I have brought you several different snacks." He said as he waited patiently for the approval.

"Yes, this will do cook." Drago said as he waved the Morlock away Soo he coul eat.

Let out a growl as yet another Morlock entered the room. "What is it that you want?" Drago said in a huff.

"We captured some more humans." He said to Drago.

"Very good, I can use them in my next experiment." Drago said with a pleased look on his face. "Take them to the dungeon and feed them well." He said in a menacing look upon his face.

Blaze and the others watched as Morlock after Morlock came in to report to Drago. "Busy night." Crash quipped in a low voice.

"Are we going to wait?" Raven asked as she listened to the voices in the next room.

We better wait we'll have our hands full as it is." Typhoon said in a low voice

"How many more can there be?" Ivy asked as another Morlock entered the room.

"Welthis looks like a long wait." Ice whined as she crossed her arms.

"Be patient." Crash whispered as he rolled his eyes. Ice let out a huff and a frown appeared on her face.

"It's going to be morning soon, I hope this all quiets down soon." Typhoon said'as he waited for it all the traffic to stop.

Drago sat tapping his clawed fingers on the throne, he was tired of the reports and requests that bombarded him every second.

"Looks like we aren't the only ones tired of hearing all those Morlock's." Blaze whispered as he pointed to the other room. They all peeked and sow the bored expression on Drago's face.

"He deserves it." Ice said happy to see someone else suffering just as much as her.

"Just think what he will feel like when we break in on him." Typhoon said.

"I really hate to make him feel worse then he already is." Raven said with a mock frown on her face.

"Yeah, but he really does deserve it." Blaze said with a grin.

"He is such an evil creature and should be put in his place." Ivy said as she stiffuled a giggle trying to escape out of her mouth.

"You want to send him back to hell." Crash said with a raised brow. "Good idea." He said nodding his head.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I think it's about time we make his day a nightmare."

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