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Amelia's POV

"Great, it's lunch and I don't have anyone to sit with. " I say to my self while buying a salad and sparkling water. 

I look around and Charlotte catches my eye and she sees me and waves to me to sit with her and her friends. I smile and walk over to her and sit right next to her. Her friends look at her and tease her and I just smile. 

"Hey, Amelia," One of her friends says as she looks at Charlotte. " You know Charlotte lik-..." She gets cut off by Charlotte eblowing her to her side. 

My eyes widen. " Holy shit are you ok?" I say. 

"She is ok. " Charlotte responds as she looks at her friend with a death stare. "Well, she was going to say do you need help to walk to your next classes?" 

"Well, why not what can go wrong," I say to my self 

"Sure." I smile. 

"I'll be back ok," Charlotte says and she gets up and her arm brushes against mine and she walks away. 

I smile and I forget her friends are over here still. 

"Do you like Charlotte?" " Are you lesbian?" "Do you think Charlotte is pretty?" "Are You  Single?"  Her friends start to bombard me with all these questions and I'm here just studdering looking for the right answers. 

"I- um..." I shallow and look at Charlotte and she looks back at me and smiles and my cheeks get red. 

"Omg you do like her!" one of her friends says so loud and I feel eyes look at me.

"No..." I say. "Well, imma head out." I grab my book bag and throw away the salad and grab my water and walk off. 

"Amilea where are you going?" I hear a familiar voice chase behind me. 

"Look for my next class if you want you can come I  guess," I say as I put in my airpods and listen to music. 

I turn around to wave at Charlotte goodbye but it ends up to see her grab her stuff and her running after to me. 

"Wait up I'm coming with you," Charlotte says as she catches up to me. 

I take out my airpods and lookup smiling " Ok here is the schedule now lead the way!" I say joking around.  

As we walk around I feel eyes on us and hear whispers like " Who is she." " is that Charlotte's girlfriend?". I look at Charlotte and she looks back at me. 

" We are here and you have our classes with me so I'll just walk you around. " Charlotte says. 

lost in my words looking Charlotte in her blue eyes. "I- umm ok so we can go in now and wait right?" 

Charlotte sees that she made me get lost in my words and smiles. "Yeah," She says. 

We walk into the classroom and sit and she eats her lunch while I get prepared for class and go on my phone. 

I look over to Charlotte and she gets up and throws away her lunch and sits back down. I guess I had heart eyes cause she raises her eyebrows at me and smiles. 

"Amilea are you ok?" Charlotte says looking at me. 

"Ahh, yes im ok I quickly go back to my phone. 

"Ok." She chuckles and does a little smirk. 

The bell rings and the class starts to get full and Charlotte moves to the seat next to me. When class ends we go to our next classes and Charlotte always gets the seat next to me. 

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