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Name: (L/N), (Y/N)
Age: 22
Height: 5'8
Birthday: Your bday
Birthplace: Michigan
Job: Detective
Y/N pov

You sit tapping your pen against the table, you sigh. Lately you have been not getting any cases so you sit in your chair at the police department and writing and signing papers. " (L/N), Meet me in my office" You look up to see the sheriff of the small city you live in, stand with his offices door open. You get up and walks to the door he has open for you and you slowing walk in.

"Yes, Sheriff?" You ask the man upon you. "Good news, bad news. Good news we have a case for you, bad news, it is in Detroit." He looks down at the papers and breathes. "It's about androids made by the company, CyberLife, they are slowly turning into deviants." He looks up at you as his words escape his mouth. "What will happen when I get there?" You say as you walk to the his desk. "CyberLife is renting a small studio apartment for a couple of months. CyberLife is sending a Android and Lieutenant Hank, Anderson will be helping a you among this case." He looks at you as you look at your hand. "When will I be sent to Detroit for the case." You look up at him. You were slightly upset because you would have to leave to the capital of your state and leave your parents for a bit. You have always wanted to leave in Detroit and meet one of the androids. But you felt like you can deal with it. "Tomorrow you will be sent around noon, sorry we are telling you on such short notice." You looks at a parcel by he's hands. "Here, these are a couple files you will need for the case." You walk over and nod as you take the files. "CyberLife will call you for infomations and questions Any more questions, L/N" You look up at him from the files. "No, not really." You tell him."You can leave early or stay here a read the files." He never let you leave early but you decide stay to read the files.

Time skip to when you do home.

You dial your parents home number and they answer. "Hey sweetie, what do you need." "Hey Mom, I have to move to Detroit for a bit for a case." You hear her sigh " Y/N, When do you have to go?" She asks. "Tomorrow" You say softly. You hear your mom breath in. "Well, I think you need sleep, I will tell your dad and that you love him." She waits for your answer. "Bye Mom, love you" You hang up and walk to your fridge and grab some leftovers and pop over to the couch and turn on the tv.

Once you finish, you turn off the TV and walk over to your room and lay on the bed, you get into you silky sheets. You turn off your bright lamp and slowly close your eyes. Finally I have a case, it's been months. Basically, everyone suddenly disappeared and the town had less crime rate, just one or two robbers or some kid being stupid. It is very quiet and not many cars pass by. You slowly drift off into sleep.

You walk up to a beeping noise, you opening your eyes and seeing a unknown number calling to your phone, You pick up and hear a robotic voice answer. "Hello detective L/N, I am Android model nk 700, I am calling for CyberLife, here to report information for the case you have her in the Birthplace of CyberLife, Detroit." There was a small pause. "There has been a couple reports of deviants recently, the first one happened months before we had more come in. It was a deviant holding a little girl hostage on a ledge." You quickly ask. "The Android I will be working with, do you have any information about it?" You ask as the robotic voice answers. "Yes I do, Model Android Connor Rk 800, he has done one of the deviant case and CyberLife has been upgrading him, Any more questions?" It questions. "No, thank you." "Thanks you for your service Detective L/N." They hang up as place down your phone and stretch.

You rub your eyes and walk over to the bathroom and shower. You get out and change into Black jeans, A white button up shirt and a coat. You go to grab a bag and pack some clothes and grab your hairbrush, toothpaste and your phone charger, you look over to see a magazine and place it in the front pocket of your suitcase. You walk to your fridge and grab a small apple and you walk out of your door and lock it. You open your trunk and pick up your suitcase and put it in and close the trunk. You walk over to the driver sit door and hop in, you start your car.

Time skip to Detroit

You walk to the door of your apartment and unlocked it, you put your suitcase in your room as you call the Detroit police station. "Hello, Detroit Police Department." You listen as a female voice answers. "Hello, I am Detective Y/N L/N. I am wondering when I am expected." You breath in and out slowly. "Um, I will check with Captain Fowler." She puts you one hold and you lay on your bed. "He said about 2:00 pm, you look at your watch to see it was 1:50 pm. "Okay, thank you Ma'am." "No problem, Thanks you for calling, Detective L/N." She hangs up and you get ready to leave, but first you grab a coffee, you were on the road forever and felt like sleeping. Time passes and you check the time, it's 1:55 pm and you quickly walk the door and lock it and walk to the stairs and go through the main entrance to your car.

You start it up and drive to the department, it was only a couple blocks away so you will probably be a minute late. You walk through the door and see a lady in a chair. "Hello, Miss, We're is Mr Fowler office." She points to a glass room and you walk over. As you walk up the stairs you see a man flicking a coin up and down. You open the door and you are greeted by a tall man. "Hello detective L/N, I am captain Fowler, and this is your Android partner you will be working with." You turn to see a a man about 6'0 feet tall, brown hair and brown eyes, his hair forms a small curl placed on his forehead, you see a LED light flicker on the side of his forehead from blue to yellow back to blue. He holds his hand out to you as too show you to shake it and you take it.

"Hello, I am Conner, I am the Android sent by CyberLife to work on this case."


A/N: Sorry for my crappy writing, I really suck at it but it keeps me from boredom, I am really busy so I won't post all the time but most of the time. Bye

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