New Partners

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You look at the android that stood before you, you weren't really fond of them, you never met one but you have encountered the them one the street being abused, it recently became a big thing and all you hear about in the streets is how androids are just plastic trash.

You stick your hand out and shake his hand. "I am Detective Y/N L/N, but you can just call me detective L/N." You look at him in the eyes. Quickly looking away. "It is nice to meet you, Detective L/N." He small smile is plastered on his face.

"We should probably find Hank." He looks up and his light flickers. "I just got a report a homicide they think a Android created." He looks at the door. "Let's go then." You looked at Connor and nod. You walk out the door and he follows.

You hop in the taxi with Connor and check five bars, he wasn't there, Connor was told about him and his addiction. The last one better have Hank.

Jimmy's bar, you step though the door and Connor stands there. "You coming?" He looks at you and points at a man with his head on the counter. He had medium grey hair, he looked like he was in his 40s. Connor shakes his shoulder. "Lieutenant Anderson." He looks up. "Who the hell are you?" Connor looks a bit confused. "I am Connor, I am the Android CyberLife sent to help you with this case." He reassured Hank. "And you." He points at you, you look at him and smile. "I am Detective Y/N L/N." He nods. "Okay Y/N and Connor." He looks down at his cup, it had one more sip left in it. He lifts it up to his face and chugs the rest. He gets up. "Lieutenant, I got a report awhile ago, we can do to the investigation when you are ready." He reassures the man. I open my mouth and words escape, "We should head out now, it would be bad if we were to be late for the party." I let out a small giggle.

Hank walks to the door and opens it, he goes to a car and opens the driver door. "Y/N in back, Connor you in front." You look at him. "Why the hell does he get front?" Hank looks at you and closes his eyes and speaks, "Because it needs to tell me where to go." You nod slightly and open the back door. You sit in middle seat so you can look through the windshield. "Y/N, may you tell me a bit about yourself?" Connor turns his head to look at you. "I guess, I grew up in Michigan, went to a police department in detroit, moved to a small city by Detroit that my parents moved into after I graduated, I don't have much of a social life because I only hang out with co-workers from home." He slowly moves his head to face the windshield. "We're here." Connor tells Hank, Hank pulls over and unbuckles, I follow. "Connor stay here, we won't be long." You get out and close the door, Connor gets out. We get to the door. "No androids allowed on the crime scene." Hank looks ahead. "It's with me." You look back at Connor. "Do you know how to listen to orders." He turns around to look at him. "It's am programmed to help you with the case."

You walk around, the body was on the floor, he was colourless, above there was a sign written in blood 'I AM ALIVE', you get up and brush yourself of and look around. Connor goes up to the body and swipes the blood and takes his fingers up to his mouth, and licks his finger.

"What the fuck are you doing, eating the evidence for dinner." He looks up at you. "I can analyze blood and evidence in real time." He gets up and brushes himself off. He looks down at the body. "28 stab wounds." He seems useful. "I am going to go to the other rooms and have a fun time there." He nods and walks to the kitchen. You move to the bedroom. There wasn't much, just a messy bed, clothes lying around. You decide to go to the bathroom. You open the white door and go to the sink first, nothing but dirt. I go to the shower, there was some random letters and numbers on the shower wall, there was also a sculpture of a human looking thing. "What the hell." You mutter. "Connor, come look at this." You call out, you wait and he enters the room. "Can you scan this real quick." He nods and scans it. "RA9." Weird, what does it even mean. You go beside Connor and grab the sculpture. "You go do whatever. I will do look around more." He nods and leaves the room.

You walk to the nearest officer, give him the sculpture and walk to Hank. "Have you had to deal with a case like this before." You ask, shakes his head slightly. Connor walks up to you. "Lieutenant, Detective, I think I know what happened." Hank smiles. "I am all ears." Connor goes to the kitchen. "I think it started in the kitchen, the victim was hitting the deviant with a bat and it fell over as it grabbed a knife. It got up and stabbed the victim many times." He looks over at the body. "We can find were the deviant went by following the trail of blue blood. It is non visible to the naked eye but I can scan it." You and Hank nod. Connor goes to look around and I just stand there looking at the knife rack, there was one missing and it looks like it was the weapon. Suddenly, Connor grabs the chair. "Hey, don't touch the crime scene." He looks at the officer, "I am just checking out the attic." The officer nods and Connor goes to the attic.

"Connor, don't go up there." Hank tries to stop him but he didn't listen and Connor hopped up, you climb on the chair and look at what was happening. Something quickly moved and Connor followed. "WHAT'S HAPPENING UP THERE!" Hank yells. "I think I found it." Connor yells. You get down and hear whispering. "It's up here!" Connor yells and you climb into the attic to get it. It was a male looking android, cigarette burns and a cut on his forearm, it was covered in blood. It looked really sad. Connor handed the deviant to a officer and Hank started to walk to his car across the road. You and Connor follow. He was standing right beside you. "Connor how long have you been around?" He looks at you, "I can't remember, I was fixed after I was shot at my first deviant case." You nod. "So, you have like no experience but know what you are doing." He nods.

He doesn't seem as bad as you thought...

Robotboy (Connor x reader) DBHWhere stories live. Discover now