Stress in Correlation with Sarcasm

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Jeez... I really haven't been here in a while. The last time I posted was in ninth grade, and looking back on it all, my way of thinking was adorably simple.

But these past couple years have been filled to the brim with anxiety and anger, which honestly led to a whole new breed of sarcasm. My main purpose in creating this little snippet of writing: there are different types of sarcasm, and realizing which one you're exuding is hella important in the way you come across to others.

As many of you already know, sarcasm treads a fine line between funny and offensive. Usually this line is easier to decipher when you're main goal is to be witty and humorous, but when you find yourself using sarcasm to alleviate frustration, its soooooo easy to have this teeter into fighting or argument territory. And I don't know about you, but I ain't really a fighter. Im a "use my words to make people look stupid without them realizing it immediately"-er.

After all, ain't that what sarcasm's all about?

So anyway guys, remember to always make sure sarcasm is put to the best use possible. It's difficult to be smart and witty while being angry and frustrated, and sarcasm without intelligence is just a poorly executed joke (lmao like my life).

Thanks for listening to my Ted talk. ✌🏾

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