The Very First Job

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{Father Andersen} 

It has been little over a month, and Xandria has proven that her training was a hidden second nature. She loved to spar with me, even laughing a bit when she would best me. I had to admit to myself, I did see why she was her mother's world. She was a sweet, kind, almost gentle soul, with an open mind and enough love for everyone. She lived with me at the orphanage, helping out with the kids, and they all loved her. The sisters all loved working with her, calling her a blessing because of how well she was with the kids. The older ones, the ones in their teens, look up to her, and she is constantly helping Heinkle with back adoption paperwork. I still find myself from time to time grinning stupid when I watch her work. I had to admit to myself that I did indeed care for the girl. 

I'm working at my desk, when a now all too familiar triple rap knock rings over my door.

" Come in, Xandria." 

" Father, we have a job. A heathen in Ireland is beginning to prove troublesome." 

" What breed of monster is it?" 

" Looks to be the work of a vampire." 

" Suit up, and meet me by the front door in 5. We leave now." 

" Yes, Sir." 

" Hey, Xandria?" 

" Yes, Father?" 

" If you want, when it's just us, you can drop the formality." 

She smiled brightly, her emerald eyes sparkled. " Ok, Althair." 

I felt my heart clench as she left. I felt my face bear the goofy grin it was now used to. I pulled on my work jacket, and changed into my work boots from my dress shoes. I came out to find Xandria in something that made me do a double take. 

She was in a very similar uniform to mine

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She was in a very similar uniform to mine. She really did look exactly like me in her uniform, and it was both alarming, and yet it filled me with a small bit of pride. She noticed me, and smiled widely. 

" You ready?" 

" I am. You like the coat I made?" 

" I do. You made this?" 

" Well, yeah. I made this entire uniform from scratch, aside from the boots, I already had these." 

" You really do look like me now." 

" Like Father like daughter, huh, Althair?" 

" Agreed, Nighean." 

If she could beam any brighter, she would have been the sun. We went to the jet and took off. I notice she had a small set of throwing daggers tucked away in her right boot, and that she had chosen a pair of twin short swords. As hard as we tried, she just couldn't summon a weapon like I could, nor could she do Holy pages.  We got to the Landing Zone, and we saw that it was in a run down manor house. 

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