A happy 13 years later

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It has been one hell of a day, and it's barely noon. I was in my office, Integra was busy with work, and I was enjoying the very few moments of peace and quiet I get anymore. 

" Althair! Where are you!?" 

My body sags and an audible groan echoes around me. In the 13 years I've been married, I was blessed with another child, as well as a grandchild. I had two 13 year old boys running around the halls of the White Lily Estate, and I was so ready to just vanish to get some quiet. 

" Althair! Where are you?!" 

" Oh for the love of- I'm in here, Arthur!" 

My son, named after Integra's father and mine respectively, opened the door, and his blonde little head popped in. We was coated in vibrant pink silly string, and I had to wonder.

" How did you get coated in this?" 

" Max did it as a prank, but I don't find it very funny! I had to get it out of my eyes." 

" Where is Max now?"

" Probably in his room, the jerk." 

" Hey, easy now. Max maybe the same age as you, but he is family, and we don't be mean to family." 

" I don't understand why he's so special is all." 

" Because one day, he will be a vampire, like your sister and brother in law, and he will fight along side you on missions." 

" He already looks like a vampire. All he needs is the teeth."

I had a chuckle, and got up to help Arthur clean the mess off him. Xandria and Alucard adopted a child, when they realized they couldn't have any of their own. So, they looked at photos from several orphanages, and they found a 2 year old boy that had bright pinkish red eyes and, until recently, had pure white hair, but he's dyed it to the same black as Alucard's now. He was a very smart kid, with the avid learning he had gotten from Xandria, as well as a knack for causing mischief when bored. The only thing it seems Max has learned from his father was how to act like a prince, and how to be a vampire. 

After Arthur was cleaned up, he left to go possibly bother his Aunt Mary. Arthur was extremely close to Mary, as well as to Poppy. Both ladies loved to smother the boy in gifts and attention. I smell perfume, and I knew it was my wife. In recent years, she has been taking to wearing more perfume and makeup, possibly the affects of living with other women for 13 years now. She had trimmed down her long blonde hair to a very beautiful bob cut, and she started wearing more dresses and less of her suits. She really did grow into a more lady like look, and I loved it. 

" Hello, my beautiful wife." 

Integra rounded the corner into my office, and a smile graced her face. For being in her fifties, you would never tell her age from looking at her. 

" Hello, my handsome husband. How has today fared for you-" 

A very loud crash echoed throughout the house, and we both groaned. We raced to the source to find Max and Arthur throwing a baseball in the house, and it seems to have lodged itself into the window. Both boys looked panicked, and tried to scurry away, only to be met by us at the top of the stairs. 

" Oh, hi Seanair, Grandma. How's it going?" 

" Maxum Xander Dracula, Arthur William Dornez Andersen, where in the hell do you two think you are going?!" 

" Um, well, we were going to go fix what we broke, you see, but it got stuck, and the more we tried to move it, the worse it got, and so we were going to come find you to see if you or possibly Alucard could fix it!" 

" Arthur, are you lying to me?" 

" What?! No- pbsh, no, I don't lie!" 

" Arthur, to your room, now. I don't want to hear a single noise from your room. You are grounded until further notice. Max, you get to come with me to see your mother." 

" Yes, Seanair." 

As we walked, I noticed he was quietly sulking. 

" Who threw it into the window?" 

" It was a freak accident! It bounced off the floor and I was too slow to catch it." 

" Mhmm." 

We got to the cellar, where Xandria and Alucard preferred to be. I found them sitting in their room, watching TV. 

" Xan, you need to talk to your son." 

" Oh, for the love of- what did you do now?!" 

" It was an accident. We were playing with the baseball in the living room and it bounced too hard off the floor and I was too slow to grab it and it lodged itself into the window. I tried to take it out, to see if I could fix it, but it was stuck so tightly, it would shatter the window to remove it." 

" So Arthur was telling the truth, then?" 

" Yes, we were going to fix it, but we couldn't." 

" Max, while I appreciate you trying to fix your mistake, and for owning up to it, it never should have happened because you aren't supposed to play with an outdoor ball inside the house. As punishment, you will not only do your chores for the week, but you will also help Ginny around the house. She is an older lass and could use the help." 

" Yes, Mam." 

" Maxum." 

" Yes, Tata?" 

" I also expect you to double your training routine, and have your homework completed before bed tonight." 

" Yes, Tata." 

Max left, and I went to my office to finish Hellsing paperwork. Integra came in, and sat in my lap. 

" So, I take it Arthur is off the hook, then?" 

" Of course. Arthur is a good kid. Max means well, he just keeps making preventable mistakes."

" So how much do you think that window will be to replace?" 

" I was thinking of making that into a fun family day event. Make a stain glass window to replace it." 

" Sounds like a bonding thing you and Alucard can do with the boys." 

" That's the idea. Plus, Max gets to fix his mistake like he had tried to." 

Integra kissed my temple, moving to her desk on the other side of the room. 

" I heard Her Majesty wanted to know if we were going to bring the boys to the Samhain gala." 

" No, not yet. Not with how they act. They can stay home until they are 16." 

" Agreed." 

I smiled, and dived back into my work, ever grateful for the beautiful family I have. And to think, it was all started one day, in a church, in Rome, on a Sunday, when a blonde 24 year old girl came into my life.      

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