A Moment Between Master And Servant

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I had found Seras in an upstairs lounge room, sitting on a couch crying into her gloves, staining them with her scarlet tears. I walk in, and she glares at me from over her gloved hands, anger radiating off her in waves.

" What do you want, Master?" She hissed the last word, and I had to bite my tongue to rein in my temper. 

" I wanted to check on my fledgling to see if she was alright." 

" You don't care. I'm not your precious Xandria, so what do I matter?" 

" Seras, you do matter, just not in the way you want to." 

" Why don't you love me like you do her? What about her is so damn special?!"

" You act like a child and she doesn't! For being a year younger than her, you really do act like a petulant child." 

" Do you even like me? Or did you turn me because you felt sorry?!" 

 " Seras Victoria! I don't feel regret or guilt! I am sick of this attitude you have! Grow up, and act like the adult you are! I turned you because I saw something in you I no longer possess, and that, child, is the will to live! You, even after everything, still have your humanity! I would give anything to feel that again! Xandria shows me glimpses of it, let's me feel moments of humanity, but to really feel it, to have it impact, it's long gone by now! You need to realize that she is your Queen and Countess, and that you are my servant and my Childe! Grow up and stop this ridiculous behavior!" 

I saw my shadows dancing on the walls, and I took a few moments to breathe and relax, as to not alert or scare anyone else in the palace, as I had promised. I walk over and sit next to her, running a hand over my face and through my hair.

"Seras, I gave you a choice, and I won't lie, I did think at one point of you being my queen, but the more I got to know you, I saw someone who was still so innocent to the world. You aren't ready to be taking the level of responsibility it takes to lead an empire like mine. You are my friend, my servant, my Childe. Xandria has more than shown she can fight to protect my empire, while still showing she can love with a human level of ferocity. Please be my friend, not my stalker."

She wiped her eyes, and looked at me with understanding in her eyes.

" I get it. I'm sorry I overreacted. I'll just back off and remember my place."

" Thank you. Now, clean up and get back to the party. I need to check on Xandria and Master."

I left Seras, and walked down the hall, to hear some rather sexual sounds coming from a room. I was curious and cheeky, so I blend into the shadows, and my mind couldn't process what it was seeing. Master Hellsing was on a coffee table, her skirt lifted, her hands holding her upright, as Father Andersen was plowing into her from behind, muttering scripture under his breath with his fingers deep in her blonde mane. I quickly left as I could, and fled to the nearest bathroom, losing everything in my stomach in a toilet. I felt so sick, and disgusted. How would Xandria take this- oh sweet merciful god. That thought made chills go down my spine. Xandria would flip and lose her mind over this. I clean up any mess I made, and move swiftly to find Xandria.

I found her and Seras talking, both laughing and smiling. Good, they're getting along. I straightened myself up and walked over, sitting down with them, and joining the conversation rather swiftly. I was going to have to have words with my Master, and explain to her how her actions can have serious ramifications on her employees and colleagues. I couldn't get that image out of my head. Alexander and Master. An involuntary chill went through me, and Xandria noticed.

" Vlad, what's wrong, love?" 

" Just a really unsettling thing is on my mind. Don't worry about it, dear." 

" Well, alright, if you say so. I was wondering where Sir Integra went, I need to talk to her about where to have the wedding." 

" She is busy talking to someone about private Hellsing matters. I think it best you leave her be until later on."

The Queen came to the microphone, and wished everyone a safe trip home. I saw both Integra and Alexander come in, one about ten minutes after each other, and I went right for the elder Andersen.

" What do you want-" 

" I saw you with my Master. What are you thinking?!"

His face paled, and he pulled me to the side, fear radiated off the holy soldier.

" Did Xandria see anything?"

" No, just me. When and why?!"

" I fell in love with Integra a few years ago, and we have had a secret relationship since I was at Hellsing when you first turned Xandria. I had a conversation with her, and next thing I knew, we were intimate and very close, and it felt great, and I felt so damn happy, and seeing her here tonight in that dress, it took way too much self control to wait as long as I did. She loves me and I love her. She is even asking Maxwell to transfer me permanently to an England orphanage until she can convince the Queen marriage between us isn't going to be a disastrous idea! I love her as much as you do my daughter, so please, don't tell Xandria about this, or anyone for that matter."

" Fine, but you owe me."

" Fine, anything. What do you want?"

I grin very wide, sadism very prevalent on my face.

" You have to tell Xandria that you are quitting the church and converting to paganism."

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