They Found Me! I Dont Know How, But They Found Me!

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"Keep him hydrated," Zack says over the phone. "Water's just about the only thing he can keep down right now."
Rian relays the information to Jack and Alex who are sitting on the couch, listening to him intently.

"Alex should be turning soon, or Brendon wouldn't have put himself at risk like that. You need to watch out because any nearby vampires will smell him from a mile away and they won't be able to control themselves."

Jack pulls Alex closer to him protectively. Alex, however, is unimpressed by this. He can hold his own. Even if he can barely stand without his mind going fuzzy.

"He's gonna be starving once he turns. I suggest going to the pet store and picking up a few rodents."

They all cringe at the thought of Alex eating a rat or a guinea pig. At least from a pet store it'll be mostly clean, but it's still a tiny little creature with a life. Alex tries to look on the bright side. At least the poor thing won't spend years in captivity.

"Is there anything else we should know?"
"Just text me if you have any questions, but I may not answer right away because I'll be looking for Brendon. Any idea where he might be?"
"No, hold on." Rian turns to the rest of the group. "Do you guys know where Brendon might be?"
"His house maybe?" Jack offers
Rian tells that to Zack.
"I'll check, but he probably ditched that place. If you have Ryan's number, you should contact him. Maybe he knows where Brendon is. I don't know if he'll spill though because vampires mate for life."
"We'll let you know if we find anything," Rian says. "Thanks, Zack."
"No problem. I'll talk to you later."

Rian turns around and goes full mom mode. "Jack, get Alex some water. Alex, you need to rest, stay there." He then triple checks to make sure the doors and windows are locked. "No one leaves without my knowledge and Alex doesn't go anywhere until we know he's fully turned." Rian then grabs Jack's keys off the coffee table. "I'll be back in an hour."
"Where the hell are you going?" Jack asks as he walks in from the kitchen with a glass of water for Alex.
"Pet store. Keep an eye him," Rian motions to Alex, "Make sure everything's locked. Don't let anyone in. Don't answer the door for anyone."
Then he leaves the house.

Jack sets the glass of water on the coffee table and then sits down next to Alex on the couch. He raises an eyebrow when Alex doesn't make an effort to reach for the water.
"Zack said-"
"I know what he said," Alex snaps. "It's stupid though. I'm not some sick little kid."
"Alex, you're turning into a vampire. You're not a sick little kid, but you are a grown man who needs to get his head out of his ass and drink some damn water."

Alex grumbles to himself and then reaches for the glass. He drinks half of the water before setting it down again. He turns away from Jack and reaches for the tv remote.
The sound of Harry Potter spells fill the room as Alex almost seems to pretend Jack isn't there, which just pisses Jack off.

"What are you, three?" Jack exclaims. "All I did was tell you to drink water. Which is what Zack told you to do! Because he knows these things."
"How do you know Zack isn't trying to kill me?" Alex mutters as he changes the channel.

On the TV, Marty McFly runs to Doc's aid after he's shot suddenly in a parking lot.

"Alex, Zack isn't trying to kill you."
"He hunts vampires, Jack! Why wouldn't he be trying to kill me?"

Jack stares at Alex for a long time as dramatic music plays from the TV.

"Zack's our friend, Alex. Why would he try to hurt you? He said he was going to find Brendon and gave us more info on the whole turning process. He's on our side."
"Our side?" Alex scoffs.

Marty McFly pushes the time machine behind a billboard on the TV.

"Our side?" Alex repeats, his words dripping with venom as he mutes the volume on the movie. "You're still fucking human, Jack! You're not on this side! Fuck, Jack, I don't even think I'm alive right now!"

Jack watches sadly as his friend who had once been strong in the face of defeat now stands before him, broken. He doesn't know what to do or say without worsening the situation. So he says the only thing he can think.

"So turn me."

Alex gapes at his friend, tears still falling. "Y- you... what?"
"Turn me," Jack repeats. "Fuck, Lex, when you're a vampire you can fucking turn other people into vampires. You don't have to go through this shit alone, okay? So turn me into a vampire. As soon as you get the chance."

Alex doesn't know how to respond. Part of him wonders if Jack wants to spend eternity with Alex. Alex knows he wants to spend eternity with Jack but.... Alex could never force someone to become essentially immortal purely to prove a point. So he says, "No."

"Then that's your decision, but I want you to know that I'm still with you. We're friends man. No matter what happens."

The word friend holds a special little sting in Alex's chest. He'd been out drinking so much to forget Jack and his bitchy girlfriend. That's how this all started. And now look where he was? Crying over his crush calling him his friend.

Alex should've known not to catch feelings for his childhood best friend. Too bad his stupid brain wouldn't allow the feelings to let up when they started following him around like a curse back in high school.

"Yeah," Alex says blankly in response. "Friends."

Alex unmutes the movie and curls up on the opposite end of the couch, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in his stomach. The same stupid pain that hasn't stopped since he woke up on the floor the other day. This whole situation is completely fucked and there's nothing Alex or anyone could do about it.

As Marty's mother on the TV screen finds Marty lying in the street, a beautiful smell catches Alex's attention.

It's something sweet like candy, but with a metallic tang. The smell calls to him until he can't focus. Something is wrong, and yet it all feels so right.

"Alex?" Jack says when Alex turns toward him with the same dead stare he had seen earlier.

He backs up when Alex stalks toward him like a cat hunting it's prey. His friend's face looks off, more so than the last time. His eyes almost seem to glow in the dim light of the living room and his skin seems almost gray and vaguely translucent. It's a terrifying sight to say the least, but Jack can't look away.

It's like he's frozen in place, though his brain is shouting for him to run.

He's sad to say he's vaguely turned on.

The front door opens just as Alex suddenly pins Jack against the armrest of the couch.

Marty McFly on the TV eats dinner with his mother's family.

Rian screams out for Alex to stop.

Jack is still frozen in his place.

I'm Not a Savior, I'm a Vampire (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now