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Another part of my spiritual journey was how I wanted to make my own religion. I learned about Martin Luther and how he created Lutherism so I thought I could do the same thing but with my own religion it would be called Dyerism because Dyer is my last name and it would be stuff from 4 different religions into one. Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Wicca. I already talked about the Christian and Jewish part of my journey. (Don't worry there will be more Christianity stuff later on in my journey). Buddhism is an ancient Chinese religion and from my understanding back then was all about peace and meditation. I did Kung-Fu from January of 7th grade to the end of 9th grade and one of the things we did was what is called Buddha breathing where we go in horse stands and take our hands and move in and out while breathing in and out. That is a good technique to calm down and to focus. Something I still do today but don't always think about doing that whenever I feel stressed. After when I never came back to Kung-Fu I had started to cut and I feel that if I had still go to Kung-Fu then I wouldn't have because I would have gotten all my anger out in a more healthy way. I will talk more about Buddhism later too because that will also play an important role in my journey of finding my own spirituality. With Wicca I had first found out about year by this TV show call Charmed. Charmed is about three sisters who are witches. But I didn't know that Wicca was an actual religion until 9th grade. Of course now fast forward years later I am a Wiccan with some interest in Zen Buddhism. Learning more about that to put it into my own believes and learn how to be more mindful. 

You would say me wanting to start my own religion was only a phase but I would say it was only the beginning of me finding out what I truly believe. It was important for me to discover that and be open minded as I can be.    

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