Chapter 16: It's Good to be Back

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Pawblo's POV~

After reuniting with Avocato, we head back to the deck where the other's were waiting.

Gary: "It's good to have you back, Pawbro!"

Pawblo: "Thanks, Gary."

HUE: "Nice to have you back, Pawblo."

Pawblo: "Thank you too, HUE-"

KVN: "Ohh! Pawblo! I thought you were gone forever. The crew just wouldn't be the same without you!"

KVN said while he was hugging me tightly and rubbing my head with his claw. I get ahold of him and threw him across the room.

Pawblo: "Yeah, yeah, KVN. Just watch it."

Avocato: "God, that's hot~."

I hear Avocato say as I look at him with a small blush. He winks at me and I blush and wink back at him.

Little Cato: "So...... anyway, It's nice to meet you, Pawblo. Dad and Gary told me all about you."

Pawblo: "Nice to meet you as well, Little Cato."

Little Cato: "Oh and thanks so much for saving me and my Dad! You were also awesome back when you fought those guards. Your inventions are so amazing. I especially love the electric bat and electric gloves."

I was surprised to hear all these compliments from Little Cato. Avocato's son really thinks I'm awesome. Avocato, my boyfriend's son really likes me.

Pawblo: "Hehehe, thanks for those compliments, Little Cato."

I scratch my head as I said that.

Little Cato: "You're welcome."

Avocato: "So... ugh Nightfall, thanks for saving Pawblo. This means a lot."

Nightfall: "No problem."

Pawblo: "It was a shock for me when I met her."

Nightfall: "Yeah, It was hard to believe."

Pawblo: "Thanks again for your help back at Yarno."

Gary: "What? You two met before?"

Pawblo: "Well, kinda... back when we were escaping Yarno, the ship was almost ahot by a guard who was aimingba canon towarda the ship. When I saw, I was about to shoot that guy until Nightfall broke his neck."

Avocato: Oh."

Little Cato: "Cool."

Gary: "Ha, that's tight."

Pawblo: "So, how are things while I was gone?"

Gary: "Well, Avocato being all depressed after loosing you. But, we helped him get through it."

Pawblo: "Heh."

I kiss Avocato on the cheek and he blushes a bit.

Pawblo: "Hehe, well I would've done the same if our roles were switched."

Avocato: "Aww. Glad to have you back, baby."

Quinn: "HUE? How's the ship and our lightfold engines?"

HUE: "Still under maintenance but, not for long."

Pawblo: "Oh yeah. I forgot, sorry again for that explosion a few days ago. Must've almost destroyed the ship."

Avocato: Don't feel too bad, Blueberry. You did it save me and Little Cato."

Little Cato: "I'm really greatful my Dad met you Pawblo. Thanks for makong him so happy. He's been lonely for some time."

Pawblo: "I'm glad he even is happy."

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