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Jamal POV
After dropping Mckayla home and I got home,I opened the door and there were packed suitcases by the door.

Jamal:"dad what's going on?"
My dad comes over to me with my mom
Ebony:"your going college, today"
I squinted my eyes in confusion
Ebony:"I've already enrolled you now come"
She and my dad picked up the suitcases and were placing them in her car
Jamal:"you can't do that,DAD?"
Jayden:"Jamal shut up and get in the car!"

I opened my mouth with shook,then placed my hand on my head looking around.i just couldn't believe it.

Eventually I got into the car and we were off
Corie POV
kJ:"mom have you heard from dad yet?"
Corie:"uh no."
kJ:"do you think he'll come back?"
I breathe out thinking carefully about what I should reply
Corie:"honestly junior..I really don't know"
He put his head down in disappointment
kJ:"okay mom"
He rushed up to his room just as woody came through the door back from work

I forced a smile at him as he walked over and sat by me
He sat and caressed my cheek,then focused his eyes on my brused neck
Woody:"your necks healing"he then looked up at me "you good?"
Corie:"yh kJ just keeps asking about his dad like everyday"
Woody:"where'd you think he could have gone"
Corie:"I really don't know"
Woody:"you guys are both better of without him"
Corie:"that's not the point..what if kJ grows up to think that am the reason he doesn't have a father anymore?"
Woody:"you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened,it was all him"
I start crying and woody puts his arms around me,comforting me.
I was on FaceTime with my girl and she was going on for ages about how unfair her studio session was.i sat and listened for ages hoping she would give me a chance to speak but it seemed like that time would never come.until finally I heard.
FaceTime call
Audrey:"anyway enough about me how was your day?"
kJ:"I've finally just accepted the fact that my dad ain't ever coming back"
Audrey:"do you really want him to?"
kJ:"yes drey he's my dad
Audrey:"But"(I cut her off)
kJ:"But nothing no matter what he's still my dad and I wanna at least know he's still alive!"I scream
Audrey:"woah okay bay"she said looking scared
kJ:"am sorry okay am just worried for him,last time I saw him I basically implied that I didn't want him as a dad no more"
Audrey:"am sure he's alive am sure he'll eventually reach out to you"
kJ:"I hope so...Audrey am kinda tired right now am gonna end the call"
Audrey:"no not yet stay on till you fall asleep am not tired yet..please"she said pouting
She blows me a kiss
The next day
Ryan POV
I woke up, got up and walked to the bathroom when I saw Corbin walking out Luke's room in a night gown.

Ryan:"morning Corbin
She jumped in surprise
Corbin:"oh um morning"
Ryan:"did you sleep in Luke's room?
Corbin:", no I didn't I was just um..checking up on him"

Alright this is getting outta hand.if what I think is going on Luke could do some serious jail time,she isn't even of age yet.

Ryan:"do you want me to drop you home I mean,your parents are probably worried"
Corbin:"oh nah I just live with my older sister she won't care where I am"
I went closer towards her and whispered
Ryan:"Corbin is Luke um touching you in any sort of way that may be making you feel uncomfortable?"
Corbin:"your confused"
She said then walked downstairs

I knocked on Luke's room door and he said
Luke:"what do you have to say before you enter"
Ryan:"can I come in?"
Luke:"oh Ryan? Er come in sorry"

I walked in
He patted next to his bed for me to sit
Luke:"I was so glad when you agreed to help with the group, I know your experienced with those type a things"
Ryan:"yeah um I was thinking maybe Audrey could have like a rap verse and Nikita should sing the very last high note she's got a really powerful voice"
Luke:"Mmh I hear you But I really feel Corbin should have the most parts she just shines"
Ryan:"She can still have the most parts but the other girls should have there time to shine too"
Luke:"you know what sure we can compromise"
Ryan:"thanks for hearing me out Luke"
Ranaye POV
I had no lessons today and the first thing I decided to do was walk to Kayton's room.

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