Twenty eight

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Kayton POV
She breaks the kiss and backs away biting her lip.i lean towards her ear sternly saying.
Kayton:"i want you to go to your room leaving the door slightly open.Then I want you to strip naked rubbing on that pretty pussy of yours"
She nods her head yes then leaves the bathroom.

I stay in for a bit so no one in the party suspects anything,then walked out.Payton comes up to me.
Payton:"ay where you been?"
Kayton:" got a condom?"
He goes in his pocket and hands me one.
Payton:"you finally gonna do it huh"
Kayton:"uh yh what ever you say man"
I start walking out the party
Kayton POV
I got to the outside of her room and heard her moaning my name.i pushed the door open and saw her naked with her eyes closed rubbing on her wet pussy.

I closed the door behind me quietly so she wouldn't know i was in the room.I watched her as I took my clothes of,then went over her.

She squirts and I grab her hand causing her to open her eyes and look up at me as I licked her fingers clean.

Ranaye POV
He rubbed on his member then placed a condom on it.before positioning him self by my entrance.Then slowly placing himself inside me thrusting slowly.

I moaned and held on his back as he speeds up the pace and went deeper.
Ranaye:"uhhh Kayton fuck"
My eyes rolled back as he started to hit my spot.
Ranaye:"ahh yes right there uhh"
The way he was hitting my spot you would never think this was his first time.
Ranaye:"uhh this can't be ahh your first time"
Kayton:"it ain't"he says as he continued to thrust deeper
I was feeling a lot of pleasure but it just didn't feel right to carry on after he said that
Ranaye:"uhh fuck get off me"
I push him off
Kayton:"I have a condom on why you want me to get off,I wasn't even about to bust"
Ranaye:"who you have sex with"I say sorta out of breath
Kayton:"woooow are you serious right now"
Ranaye:"just tell who it was with"
Kayton:"see your mad cause what I said is true,you like the attention I give you and you don't want me to give it to no one else,you've known I liked you"
Ranaye:"just tell me who you lost your virginity to damn!"
Kayton:"admit you love to tease me.always changing in front of me,kissing Jamal in front of me,you did all kinds of shit to make me jealous"
Ranaye:"okay okay I like the attention you give me.But don't get me wrong am in love with Jamal"
Kayton:"you use me and don't expect me to be with anyone else yet you date other people yourself"
Ranaye:"well when you put it that way it sounds real bad"
Kayton:"there's no other way to put it Ranaye"
Ranaye:"can you just tell me who you"-
Kayton:"Jessica"I blurt out
Ranaye:"no you fucking didn't Kayton it had to be someone else.the Jessica that use to chill with us,the one who tried shit with Jamal"
Kayton:"yeah but it really didn't mean anything we just both decided to fuck once in a while,no strings attached.She knew I liked you and I knew she liked Jamal,we couldn't be with either of you,so took our sexual desires out on each other"
Ranaye:"more then once.why would you do this,you know I hate that girl"
Kayton:"you knew I hated Jamal and still do but your still with him"
I stayed quiet for a while as I had nothing else to say.

He got off the bed putting his clothes back on.
Kayton:"you know what's wrong with you Ranaye..your selfish as hell.why the fuck are you mad,I mean did you really think I would just never be with other girls"
Ranaye:"look Kayton I get how your feeling right now and am sor"-I cut her off
Kayton:"shut up Ranaya,just shut up"
He finished putting on his clothes and left the room slamming the door.
Ryan POV
After leaving Keith's place and getting back home.i looked around the house for woody and finally found him sitting on the dining table reading what looked like a script.
Ryan:"what you doing?"
Woody:"well am reading this script for an episode on this show that I got a job on"
Ryan:"oh my gosh congrats"I say kissing his cheek
Woody:"thanks but I want to find a show we're I can be a series regular,not just an episode"
Ryan:"ughhh woody your literally never satisfied"
Woody:"what is wrong with wanting to always do better"
Ryan:"nothing I just think your put to much pressure on yourself"I say sitting next to him,noticing he was making a lot of notes on the script

His phone lit up showing he got a text from someone.i tried looking but he turn his phone facing down
Ryan:"uhh why you hiding your phone"
Woody:"I ain't"
Ryan:"give it to me then"

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