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It was blinding. Long metal hallways with bright ceiling lights and white walls. It seemed as though I would never find relief from  this awful colour. I felt like I was in an examination room. You know how in hospitals people always complain that their rooms are so dreary and boring? Well, this was way worse.
I glanced around me. There were only hallways. Long, narrow, never-ending, metal hallways that clanged as I walked through them in every direction. All along the hallways were white metal doors with what I could only assume were rooms like mine behind them. But that must mean... were there people behind each door? People as confused, scared and demented as I was? Why was I the only one out of my room? And what on earth was I supposed to do now? So I had escaped those awful  white walls. That had been my main goal at the time. But now I had merely stepped out of those into larger ones!
I pressed my ear against the tall white door closest to me and knocked earnestly. My breath echoed in my ears as I awaited a response, but I heard nothing. Either there was no one inside, or the door was completely and despairingly soundproof.
I did not move my head from off the door. I simply allowed it to rest there a moment in hopelessness while I thought. It seemed these halls were never-ending, and I didn't want to become even more infinitely lost. I had to be able to find my way back to my room. My brain seemed to wander through white, empty hallways of its own, until suddenly, at the end of them, it thought of a wonderful idea.
I rushed back to my room and picked up the glass that had been emptied of the milk it originally contained. I threw it with all my might against the cold white floor and watched it shatter into pieces in the corner. With a smile, I selected an especially long shard and began using it to cut my sheets into small bits of fabric, which I then gathered in my hands. Now, I was ready to truly explore. I would occasionally toss fabric on the ground to mark which way I'd been. Then, when I was finished I could easily return back here.
I stepped back into the hallway and held my head in my hands. If colours could be heard, then I was at a heavy metal rock concert of white.
Curious now more than anything else, I ventured further inside my prison and let the first bit of cloth fall behind me to mark my trail.

Behind White WallsWhere stories live. Discover now