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The parachutes like the ones I saw in the arena begin to come down to the starving Capitol children. They all try to catch them. Once they all have landed the all blow up. Hundreds of the children fall to the ground. Many are dead, and the rest badly injured. The health team start to run in. "PRIM!" I shout. "Get out of there!" She just looks at me and keeps helping some of the children. I see more bombs start coming down. "PRIM!" I shout again. She tries to help a Capitol child get away. A bomb lands next to them. "KATNISS!" Prim shouts. I hear a buzzing sound coming through some sort of laser scanner thingy. A tall man with grey hair is holding it. The bombs don't explode. Instead they just shut down. "Hello. I'm the Doctor." He says to me. "How did we all get here?" I look around to see I'm in a big empty white space with different people than before. A boy with a lightning bolt scar on his head is here, a tall,dark shadow with purple eyes, a green lady flying on a broom above a giant talking lion, a man made of tin, an alive scarecrow and a girl with a small dog. What's going on? Where am I? What do I do? Is this some Capitol thing? Have I been teleported to the arena but I'm not there yet? No.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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