Chapter Two

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Her silky lips sculpted the perfect smile of pure giddiness as she slowly drifted away, her seductive eyes twinkling in the soft morning glow seeping through the thick curtains.

And Emma's heart skipped another beat.

"Do you have to leave for work?" She inquired casually as this beautiful woman smiled down upon her, warm skin meshed against her own. "It is Monday, right?" She laughed playfully as the birds chirped their morning melody because the brunette insisted on the window wide open as the rain poured against the rooftop, the night before.

The most adorable giggle spilled through those puckered lips before she dipped down and pecked Emma's wide grin. "Yes, it's Monday, but no...I actually just left my job," she whispered, a clear tale of her secrets, but luckily for her, Emma wouldn't be interrogating any further.

She always maintained a safe distance from lovers, never once questioning her one-night stands, well, this one has somehow turned into a two-night stand now. But does it count if they have never left the bed all weekend, besides bathroom breaks and replenishing their fuel with food? Either way, this one had weaseled her way into Emma's bed and has yet to leave and for the first time ever, Emma hadn't even blinked at the atrocious situation. And she had known it was all because they both tried to covertly slink away as soon as they were satisfied and when they had both noticed their failed attempt at sneaking out on each other, they laughed, rolled their eyes and somehow started another round of pleasure.

"Oh yeah? Was the boss a creep?" Emma found herself asking before her mind ever consented.

"Family emergency."

"Well, I'm actually in between jobs right now as well," she informed her in the most vague way to keep her career a hidden secret, just as she always had to.

"So..." the sexiest of smirks graced the woman's face as she rolled her hips suggestively against Emma's naked body. "We have no obligations to the outside world," she drawled, enticing Emma and persuading green eyes to glow like a full moon against a pitched black sky. "And it seems like we are pretty damn good together in bed..."

Emma flipped her over in an instant, generating two giddy laughs in return. "So, I guess we owe it to sex to keep going."

She hates waking up in the morning when her past memories haunt her dreams, because during the day she refuses to dwell on the past, but her subconscious refuses to eliminate those memories altogether. It always seems to put her in some funk; her mind a groggy, fuzzy, daze that feels like another dream while her heart is sinking with a heavy substance of lead. But none of that matters this morning, because she has a job to do. Her case to work.

She steps out into the brisk morning air and immediately her senses heighten, well aware of a curious set of eyes lingering upon her. She carefully locks her door, peeking discreetly out of the corner of her eye and sure enough, she finds a mess of chestnut locks staring back at her.

The suspicious neighbor boy, is sitting with his back against a pillar on his front porch, not at all reading the enormous book that's taking over his entire lap. Even though her mind is screaming at her to wave at the little boy, because that's what her uncover persona would do, she ignores the command and ventures on toward her car with her head down. Very cleverly, she uses her long golden curls as a curtain to hide her face so she can proceed, inspecting the little boy who is carefully observing every step she takes. The pad of his little thumb scrapes against the corner of his book mindlessly while he watches her unlock her car and climb right in. Again, he remains impassive, non-responsive and appears as bored as ever, yet he still tracks her every move.

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