Chapter Fourteen

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"Yes, he has another son, Bae," she exasperates once again to her Captain.

"Well, there's nothing in the file about another son, or a man named, Bae, anywhere near those fake businesses," David grumbles, and she can so clearly hear the ruffling of his papers through the long distance call.

"He seemed very nice, he wasn't nearly as jumpy as his younger brother, Gideon," she expresses as she reminisces about the evening prior on her not date with the man. "Then again, he was smooth and sly, almost too perfect," she mindlessly notes, remembering how sweet and effortless his compliments rolled off his tongue.

Yet, through the entire evening at Granny's, he was a perfect gentleman, never crossing any lines or even hinting or insinuating that he wanted anything more. If she was straight, he would be the ideal man, especially on a first date. He was patient, polite and a very good listener, every woman's dream.

"You know those fast talkers are always the ones we gotta watch out for."

"I know, I know," she sighs.

"So, did he ask you out for a second date?"

"Surprisingly, no," she admits, thinking back to how he thanked her for a fun dinner, never calling it a date, and then easily parted ways outside of the diner without any plans or assumptions to another night out.

"Ah, he wants you to want him. Smart guy," her Captain chuckles and she just knows he's filling out paper work now and not truly invested in her dinner date anymore, but that's all fine because she's not interested either and besides there's a rapid knock at her door.

"Gotta go."

"Alright, speak to you soon," he says before they both end the call.

And the frantic knocking only becomes more impatient.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she scoffs as she shoves her phone into her back pocket and yanks open the door, finding a mop of shaggy hair and a little devious smirk staring up at her. "Hey kid."

"Hi," he beams, like she's a brand new Xbox system, waiting to be played with on Christmas morning. "My mom is making dinner and I asked if you could come, she said yes and so now I'm here to bring you home with me," he cheerfully states, showing off all his perfect white teeth that has her wondering how they are so straight? He'll probably never need braces.

"What if I'm busy tonight for dinner?" She skeptically inquires, folding her arms over her chest and leaning against the door.

"What if this is the perfect time for us to weaken the curse?" He counters without ever batting an eye, but hers roll in annoyance and even though she's exhausted from this other world, she plays along.

"You're right, maybe us spending time with the Evil Queen will weaken the curse and then maybe she will learn to love again and bam curse broken!" She ecstatically explains, hoping he will jump on board and they can hurry up and end this facade.

"I still don't think my mom kissing someone is going to break the curse," he whines with a scowl of disgust consuming his entire face. "Besides, nobody would even want to kiss my mom." Emma's inner voice is firmly demanding that, that is not true. She's fairly confident there isn't a person on the planet that would ever deny Regina Mills a kiss. "I still think we need to find Snow White and Prince Charming," he confidently declares, and this time she forces herself not to roll her eyes. "Come on," he flashes her a little cheeky grin that for some reason reminds her of herself. "Grab your coat, dinner is almost ready."

She breathes a laugh through her nose, shakes out her long mane and snatches her coat from the hook near the door.


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