Chapter Fifteen

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The car ride over to the hospital was excruciatingly painful from the sheer silence that engulfed Regina's Benz. Henry made it a point to huff and puff his defiance from the backseat, which forced Regina's hands to grip even tighter against her sterling wheel while Emma's heart pounded from the anxiety of wishing she was anywhere else.

"I think it's best if I settle her down first before you two enter," Regina softly suggests as they enter the Neurological Care Center of the hospital.

"Oh, right. Of course," she quickly complies, "Henry and I can wait here until you're ready for us."

Regina nods and offers a small smile of her gratitude before she checks in with the receptionist and Emma guides Henry toward the waiting area. Henry slumps down in one of the chairs, bitter as ever with his tiny arms folded across his chest. Emma rolls her eyes and plops down in the seat beside him, snatching a magazine from the table next to her along the way.

They sit in awkward silence, neither one speaking while she flips through some pages, not at all interested in the celebrity gossip of who's dating who. It's just something to pass the time, but the silence is unbearable and she recalls Henry's poor attitude since before they left and she can't seem to hold her tongue any longer.

"You know kid, that was really uncool how you treated your mom at the house," she states, closing the magazine with a little extra force. He doesn't say a word, in fact, he's staring in the opposite direction, silently expressing that he's not up for this topic of conversation. "Fine, don't talk, but I will. That was a really shitty thing to do. Do you have any idea how hard your mom has it right now?"

More silence.

"Wasn't it this time last year, you were freaking out because you were so worried about your grandma and your mom? And what? Now, you act like you don't care? Do you have any idea how hard it is for your mom? Her mom doesn't know who she is, and lashes out because she feels so alone and lost. And all your mom wants to do is help her and ease her worries and you decide now is the time to be mean to your mom and say that woman isn't your grandma?"

He says nothing in return, but she notices his chin wobble and how his body is tensing and coiling tightly into himself.

"That woman loves you. They both do. Your grandma spoiled you rotten and now just because you found out the blood in your veins runs differently from hers, that she isn't your family anymore?"

Nothing but utter silence.

"Look at me Henry," she firmly demands, but when he refuses, she stands up and claims the seat on the other side of him, taking him by surprise. "Let me tell you something, kid," she says, holding his watery gaze. "Sometimes, family is who you choose. Sometimes, people don't have the option to know where they came from or the family that shares the same DNA. But sometimes, that's okay, and it doesn't even matter when you have these amazing people who love you more than life itself. Family are the people that are there for you every day and always have your back. Family are the ones that fight for you, no matter how wrong you are. Family are the people who protect you and love you and vow to be there until the end. And guess what? That has nothing to do with blood."

Something deep inside triggers the boy because fat tears leak down his cheeks and he is quick to pull his knees to his chest and bury his face in his lap. Emma sighs, wrapping one arm around his rigid body, pulling him in close, even though the chair is in the way.

"I don't want to fight or make you upset, but kid, you need to realize what you have and how lucky you are. Your mom wanted you so badly, Evil Queen or not, that woman wanted a baby and she chose you as her family. And that's what matters," she declares, rubbing her hand up and down his back to soothe the sadness quaking deep within. "Do you have any idea how hard it is for her? That she wanted a baby so badly that she went out and adopted you, devoting her life and love to only you and now one day you decide you don't want to be her family anymore? Do you have any idea how much that kills your mom?"

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