Chapter Ten

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"Yeah, so they are in the discussion phase of starting up another business," Emma explains dutifully to her captain.

"Alright keep a close eye on Mills, I want to know if she's a dirty politician with her greedy hands dipping in things it shouldn't be."

"I'm one step ahead of you," she states with conviction.

"And her kid," here's where David's voice softens, but he still somehow manages to sound strict. "You doing alright with that?"

"Yeah, I'm still trying to stay connected with him in my free time, but I swear, I'm focused and dedicated to this case. We are finally getting somewhere."

"Alright don't make me threaten you with Jones again," he chuckles, but she's not laughing.

"He's such a tool, I'm tired of him thinking he can change my mind about men," she scoffs, but her captain is laughing because he loves watching her make an ass out of Jones.

"So," he sobers up rather quickly and she knows exactly where this is going. "Have you thought about Thanksgiving?"

"Shouldn't I stay here?"

"Oh come on, Allison Cameron has parents in the city, nobody will suspect a thing if you leave for one day to visit them."

"I guess," she mumbles because she really doesn't want to agree just yet and he should know their game by now. "Alright, I've got to get a move on."

"Of course," and with that they both end the call without any other word spoken.

She isn't granted time to dwell on David's insistent request, most likely coming from his wife, because there's a rapid knock at her door that borderline sounds frantic. It's almost nine o'clock at night and she has no idea who could be so savagely pounding against her door. She scurries through her living room and yanks on the door only to discover a panicked mayor and a very bored and unamused little boy clutching his book to his chest.

"Allison," Regina gasps as if her heels allowed her to actually run across their yards. "I'm so sorry to do this-and I know it's very late, but Robin isn't available and I need someone who my son won't run away from," she blurts out in one giant word and breath, and Emma can hardly keep up, so she simply steps aside, granting access to her home. "Really, I'm so very sorry, but this is an emergency," she proceeds to ramble, mindlessly taking off Henry's scarf before he shoves her hand away.

"It's alright. Is everything okay with you though? You seem a little-"

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. Henry," Regina waves her off, not truly paying any attention to her before she bends down to be eye level with her son and clutches onto his tiny shoulders. "Please, don't run off. Listen to Miss Cameron and remember your manners," she sternly reminds him, but there's this pleading look in her warm eyes like if he disobeys her she will crumble from utter exhaustion.

Of course, Henry doesn't mutter a single sound.

"We'll be fine," Emma reassures her and playfully nudges Henry's shoulder which again, he ignores her.

Maybe he's mad because she accidentally ditched him yesterday or maybe it's all for show because he still refuses to speak to his mother or anyone besides her and Robin.

"I love you, Henry. I'll be back soon," she whispers, tenderly cupping his chin to express her affection, but he's quick to pull away. "Alright, I should be going. Allison," she stands tall once more and Emma really can't ignore the liquid of betrayal clinging to the woman's eyes. "I should be an hour...maybe two...depending. Again, I'm so sorry-"

"Please Regina, it's fine. I promise I will only feed him sugar, I'll make sure he watches enough t.v. to fry his brain and I'll leave out all the sharp knives just in case," she quips with a serious expression that Regina flounders at for a brief moment, before the smallest smirk curls at the corner of her mouth.

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