Chapter 3: The Importance of Initiative

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Later, when Ben would finally manage to learn some of the rules of the game, he would encounter a paragraph about Initiative. It read as follows:

When something triggers reactions from all or some of the participants in the immediate surroundings, an initiative check is being made to decide who acts first. Initiative is determined by multiple factors, the most crucial amongst which is wisdom - the ability to grasp the severity of the situation and act accordingly. Other factors are also taken into account, such as each participant's dexterity level, as well as relevant skills, powers, affinities, magical auras, magical gear, and active buffs and debuffs.

Note: while the participant with the highest initiative acts first, the time gap with the next highest is determined by the difference of their initiative score - each whole number is a fifth of a second (if your initiative is 10 and your opponent has 15, you would act 1 second after them). For more detailed information please refer to the Expanded Rule Book (ERB).

As it was, Ben didn't have time to think about rules or numbers. He only heard the order to kill him and knew that he had to do something right now, or it would be a very embarrassing Game Over for him. He didn't know that, but his initiative score at that exact moment was 11 - which was two levels higher than that of Tam - which meant he had two-fifths of a second to act before Tam registered the command to shoot. Two-fifths of a second is hardly enough time to roll out of the way of a crossbow bolt flying at you from almost point-blank range, but Ben had a few fractions of a second more - the time it took the guard to change his aim from Red to Ben, to smirk cruelly, and to pull the trigger. In total: one whole and glorious second.

Ben pushed against the floor, throwing himself sideways and as far as he could from his previous position. He even managed to grab the dagger as he scrambled for his life, and in his mind's eye, he could picture himself rolling on the floor like a ninja and throwing the dagger in one smooth motion, hitting his assailant blade first between the eyes.

It was a beautiful fantasy, but in reality, the second he had to leap away from danger wasn't close to being enough time. His muscles were weak, his agility poor, and his dreams of becoming a ninja evaporated in an explosion of pain as the bolt hit him very close to his ribcage, penetrating his skin and flesh. He collapsed to the floor on his stomach and cried in pain - an actual, real, terrifying pain. Was it normal to feel such extreme pain inside the game? What the fuck! Angry red letters formed in his vision:

You were hit! City Guard hits you with a crossbow bolt for 6 hit points.

HP remaining: 6 out of 12.

Be warned! Your HP is at 50% or less. You should probably take cover or something.

Be extra warned! You are bleeding. Treat your wound or you would lose an additional HP every 30 seconds.

Ben moaned. He never felt such intense pain in his entire life. It felt like, well, like a freaking arrow was stuck in his body. He risked a look down and saw that indeed the bolt was deep inside the left side of his torso, a couple of inches from his navel. The bolt made a large tear in his already tattered shirt, and he could see blood gushing from the wound. Waves of incredible pain brought tears to his eyes.

He heard someone curse. "I said kill him, you asshole. Not injure. Kill. How hard can that be?" There were footsteps, and Ben looked up to see the bearded swordsman looming above him. "Here, let me show you how it is done. A blow to the neck, you see, is far more likely to - "

The guard didn't get to finish his demonstration, though. Whatever inhibitions Ben had had before about stabbing these men were gone. His vision was bloody red, his body and brain trying to cope with the pain, but the fierce anger he suddenly felt towards the guards helped him forget everything and focus on one simple mission: attack. As the guard came near, Ben lifted himself with his left elbow, giving himself enough leverage to bring his right hand - the one still holding the dagger - to an upright position. Then he struck with all his might.

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