Chapter 7: Level Up

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It took them a couple of minutes to examine the dark opening, straining their eyes and ears to look for anything that might surprise them on their way down. The ladder wasn't very long and the light from Red's lamp reached all the way to the bottom, where it ended in what looked like another stone floor.

Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but Ben thought the others were eyeing him expectantly as he carefully investigated the vertical tunnel. He felt his heart swell with pride, realizing that they were learning to count on his talents. He remembered Red's words, "the ever-surprising noob", and smiled to himself as he straightened. "Looks safe," he informed the others - but his smile wavered when he looked at Shiraz. The redhead had replaced the cloth around her neck twice already and the bleeding stopped, but the damage and pain were taking their toll.

"How many?" Ben asked her, dreading the answer.

"Four more points and I'm dead," she said with a weak, sad smile.

And if that happened, Ben might never see Shiraz again. This much at least he knew about the game: if you died in VD, there was a good chance that you'd lose your character forever. You might rejoin the game with another character, but there was a waiting period between characters that changed from DM to DM; by the time Raxlon allowed Shiraz's player to return to his world, who knew if she'd even remember him.

Her words urged the companions to action and they started to climb down the ladder - Red leading, Ben next, then Shiraz and lastly Milenna.

The moment Ben put both his feet on the floor of the room below, something amazing happened. First, came a beautiful and unexpected prompt:

Success! You have completed the hidden quest "Escape the Sonadin Prison".

XP reward: 1,000. Current XP: 1,810. Points to next level: 1,190.

DM special reward: 2 points to the skill Perseverance.

Good job! You have discovered a new skill: Perseverance. This hard to gain skill is sought by many, but only a few have the necessary force of will and virtue of patience to obtain it. Advance this skill to gain high resistance to mind attacks, spells, and powers. Associated abilities: wisdom, constitution.

Perseverance: level 7

You gain 14% bonus resistance to mind attacks and manipulations (self-pity included).

Ben barely managed to grin when suddenly the world around him disappeared. The room, the ladder, his companions - all were gone, and Ben was once again floating in midair, surrounded by a soft white light. He opened his mouth in wonder - and kept it open when a huge golden prompt filled his vision, accompanied by the sound of a clear trumpet call.

Level Up! You have gained enough experience points to reach level 2. Way to go, adventurer!

At last! Thought Ben in elation. His eyes scanned the rest of the prompt, which came in smaller letters but made him no less happy:

Level up bonus: health, stamina and mana points are fully restored.

You receive 4 points to allocate - either to your skills or to your ability points. Choose wisely.

But Ben didn't have time to even think about it, as another message appeared, this one in the system's sparkling purple.

VD Achievement: First Level Up

Respect! You have survived long enough to earn the necessary XP and achieved a new character level. As this is the first time you gain a level in this particular game (Raxlon's Power Quest), and as you did not opt for a premade character upon joining the game, the system recognizes your prowess and grants you a Class Choice.

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