Rain & Shine

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The night was relatively young, and HyunJin was able to retire to her apartment early

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The night was relatively young, and HyunJin was able to retire to her apartment early. It was a rare occasion, HeeJin wanted to turn in earlier than usual to try to catch up on some sleep. HyunJin was bummed to spend less time with the girl, but she was also relieved that HeeJin finally decided to not work overtime for once.

A couple of days have passed since HeeJin kissed HyunJin on the cheek, but the thought still makes her cheeks heat up and turn red, she constantly replayed the memory in her head. Giggling to herself, she snuggles into her pillow, covering the wide grin that's plastered on her face. Jungeun was flipping through Netflix trying to find something to watch and couldn't help but notice the giddy girl acting like a fool by herself.

She raises her eyebrows at her roommate and gives her that 'what is going on look.' "Ok, HyunJin, spill it. What are you fangirling by yourself over there for?"

She lets out a happy sigh, "It's about my crush...well the girl I like" her face turned redder as she slightly regrets telling her friend. She felt embarrassed to talk about her feelings finally, but she wanted maybe some advice or encouragement from her best friend.

Jungeun tosses the remote on the couch, finally giving up trying to find something to watch and focuses on their conversation, finding it more interesting. "You still haven't told any of us the girl's name yet." Jungeun gives out a pouty face. "At least tell me, we are best friends after all."

HyunJin laughs at her roommate's attempt to act cute. "Hm...well, I don't know if I should say," She pondered to herself if she did want to share with her friend about the girl that is always on her mind.

"Please, I'm so bored right now, and this is the only thing remotely interesting to talk about...I'll even buy your favorite bread!" Jungeun pleaded.

HyunJin instinctively perked up at the mention of bread; her mouth started to water from just the thought of eating the chocolate covered bread. Her favorite bakery was an hour away by car, so she hasn't been able to visit in a while, especially since she started bodyguarding every day.

Jungeun could see that HyunJin was about to break, she only needed just a little push more, and she will finally reveal who the mystery girl is. "I will even buy five loaves, no, ten!"

HyunJin knew what she was trying to do, but couldn't resist when it came to bread. "Fine." She finally gives in and lets out a sigh, but reminds herself of the chocolate bread that she will savor later.

Her roommate sat at the edge of her seat, turning all her attention towards HyunJin. She was dying to hear who this girl is. What was she like? How did they meet? What made the flippant HyunJin so smitten over her? Her curiosity was piqued, and she couldn't wait to tell their other friends later only to tease the embarrassed girl more.

HyunJin was still a little hesitant, but she tried to think positively. It would be nice to be able to talk about this with a friend, she thought, and maybe they can even give her advice. HeeJin is the first girl that she has ever liked, and she didn't know what to expect of her new feelings or if it's any different from liking guys. "The girl that I like...is the girl I am protecting."

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