Love & Live

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Five Years Later

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HyunJin solemnly took her first steps in the dreary and grim field of upright granite and marble. Her grip tightened around the stems of flowers she brought as each step caused anxiety to sink in her heart as she approached her destination making her way through countless columns and rows of stone.

HyunJin felt ashamed that she hadn't visited her gravestone in years. She couldn't even remember the last she had, but finally had the courage to do so.

She took her last step and silently stared at the tomb before her. It was a long few minutes of silence. The autumn breeze sent chills through the woman's skin. The air somehow felt colder in the area where the dead rested. She remained standing, staring at the engraved name as if they were reuniting once again.

She knelt down, placing the flowers beside her leg. "Hey," She quietly breathed out.

"I miss you a lot." HyunJin paused as if waiting to hear a response from her dead loved one.

"I know it's been a while, years too long, and I know that's my fault, but I have been meaning to catch up with you." HyunJin brushed off the fallen dead leaves that cluttered the grave. As if the leaves themselves fell to this place of resting, the trees seemingly knew this field was for the former living. The shedding of lifeless leaves reflected the lack of life, the once green petals shriveled and cracked as they faded to dull browns to return to the earth.

HyunJin took a few deep breaths and continued her one-sided conversation. "I met someone. I love her very much, she means so much to me, and she makes me really happy." A tear slipped past the dam she built up. "I know you would like her. She's really sweet and kind." She let out an airy laugh. "She's also a huge dork, and she's such a loser."

She let the silence settle in the air around her, allowing herself to take a few deep breaths. "I can't imagine my life without her."

"You're probably asking why she isn't here today. She couldn't make it today; she's out of town for work. And besides, it's been so long since I last visited. I wanted it to be just the two of us talking." Hyunjin fidgeted a bit, "I will properly introduce you to her next time."

Another pause stifled the air as she gathered herself. "I can already hear you lecturing on how I'm being overprotective for her."

"I know you were against me being a bodyguard, so I'm sure you will be relieved to hear that I found a different profession." The former bodyguard laughs to herself. "Maybe I should have started out as a baker, to begin with. You are already familiar with my obsession with bread." She took a moment to breathe in, the dam she struggled to keep up began to fail as her tears started to stream down her cheeks.

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