Chapter 1

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How long have I been walking? My legs hurt, and I'm so hungry, I can still remember the last time I had something good in my stomach.

I was lucky enough to find some bits of food out of a bin that someone had knocked over.

Others think that being unlucky means that you were late and someone stole your favourite seat on the couch, or that you had to wait more than usual before your loved ones came back home, but I know better.

That time I had been lucky that someone had knocked over a bin, that someone had thrown away their food only half-eaten, that nobody got to it before me.

So many factors collided to give me that bit of food that has sustained me until now.

I never considered myself unlucky, on the contrary. I was alone since I was born, it wasn't easy but I always managed it. It wasn't easy to run away from the bullies but I did it.

It wasn't easy to find my way among these crowded streets, but I found it.

It wasn't easy to find food, but I never despaired, I had my lucky star protecting me, I knew I would find something, I just had to keep believing and try my best to prove that I deserved my lucky star's protection.

Sometimes I was able to provide food for myself, it was hard work but I did it, I'm stronger than I look.

Other times I ate people's leftovers.

Why are you making that face now? It was good food and I needed it, nobody can live without food, you know.

I can't understand people sometimes. Some people cry that they have nothing to eat, while other people throw away their food as if it wasn't important.

Not important, can you believe that? What's more important than food??
You can live without a house, without a family, but you can't live without food.

You literally can't.
So I ate it.

Every time, I feel a bit sorry for those that will come after me and won't find any, but this is a cruel world, it's eat-or-die, and I don't want to die, so I ate that and I'd do it again.

Oh, how I'd like to do that again right now, my stomach feels so empty!

Sometimes, when I'm really desperate for food, I try to ask for help.

Stop right there, before you talk to me about dignity again, try staying days on end without food and then we'll talk about dignity!

As I was saying, I've tried asking for help, but even with all these people around nobody listens to me, they look at my poor appearance and are disgusted, they turn the other way and quicken their steps.

I'd like to see how they would look in my place!

A few times a little one has come near me with pity in their eyes, but they were hurriedly taken away by their adults. They probably think I'm sick or something.

I understand this, though. I'm even glad that they were taken away, I wouldn't want to cause trouble to those kind little ones.

Well, I say little because I've learned enough of the world of people to understand that they are, but they still look huge to me.

Why do they insist on walking on two legs like that? Isn't it tiring?
I guess I don't really understand these people.

I am a cat after all, and I should be at the top of the food chain and not on a street, starving.

It doesn't matter though, even if everyone walks away I will find some food, somewhere, because I will never give up, I believe in you lucky star, I really do.

As long as my star will keep on shining, I know I won't be falling down, I will keep on going.

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