Chapter 4

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When I wake up I feel strange, weak, what's happening to my body?

I look around, I know this place, this is my new territory.

I can see around me but I'm still in my prison. The door is open though, so I want to go out.

"Thanks for your help, I didn't know cats could be intolerant to milk."

"I have a lot of experience with my cat, I could still help you with yours if you want."

I try to move my legs, they are weak but they still work, I will regain my strength, I have no doubt about it.

"You're very kind, I will probably need it."


I like my new territory, I often walk around to check that everything's alright, I need to check any new thing that my human brings in, you never know what goes on their minds. For examples, I'm hungry now, where is my food? Where is my human?

I look for him, and when I find him he seems to be asleep. How can he sleep at a time like this? I'm hungry.

Maybe he's not really asleep, let me check. The best way to do that is to jump up and check up close.

I land right on top of him and he jumps up making me fall down. How rude, is that how he treats his cat?

"Da Qing! Why did you wake me up?"

I look at him with reproachful eyes, I can see that he's awake so he has no excuse for not giving me my food...


My human left me in here all alone... it feels quite good, I have the place all to myself, I jump on the window sill and look outside, water is falling again, I'm glad I have a roof over my head now.

I hear a noise, he's coming back. I turn my head in his direction as a greeting.
"Hi Da Qing, have you been good today?"

He starts taking his cloth off, so I get closer to take a look.
The first one is all wet, another one falls on a chair and it's not wet, it's quite warm actually. How kind to put it here for me, but instead of throwing it there he should have used better care. Let me adjust it a little. I start pawing at it then settle down on it. I like this.

"Da Qing! Did you have to sit on my sweater? There's lots of space around!"

Lately he makes the same sound over and over, is that what he likes to call me? It's not bad, I think I'll allow it.


I'm quite ok on my own, but I wonder why he goes out so often, leaving me here. What's outside that door? I want to find out, so as soon as he opens it I sneak out.

"Da Qing! Come back in."

There's nothing here, really, other than a closed door. It's annoying, why close the doors when there's a cat around? So inconsiderate, so I start scratching it to express my disappointment.

"Da Qing! That's not our house, stop it."

The door opens, as I knew it would.

"I'm sorry Shen Wei, he got out."

He picks me up, I growl a little bit as a warning but nothing more, I don't want to hurt my food provider if I can avoid it.

"Sorry, I'll put him back in the house. I have to go to work now."

"It's alright, I was going out too. Do you need a ride? It's still raining."

I'm back in my territory while he goes away. It's ok, it doesn't seem so interesting out there. Humans are strange, why going out every day when it's so much more comfortable and dry in here?

Maybe he goes out to find food for me? That might actually be a good reason, I know that food don't magically appear out of nowhere by itself, you have to look for it.

Good human, but now I'm tired. I've already slept in this area, but I have a sudden thought. There must be a reason if he always goes to sleep in the other room, so I go there to check.

Oh, this is so comfortable, I think I will sleep here too.

Oh, this is so comfortable, I think I will sleep here too

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