Chapter 3

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I'm being lowered, ehi human do you know how to do this? Better to do it myself, so I jump down and quietly look around.

He bends his legs again, he must really like looking at me but who can blame him.

"Do you like it?"

His voice is calm and not at all unpleasant, I could get used to it.

He walks away and I'm left alone. Good. I wander around a bit, I don't like surprises, I want to know the territory I'm in.

There's nobody else here, which is great news. The human starts walking around, his cloth seems different now, he keeps going back and forth: goes away, back to watch me, goes away, back to watch me.

I don't mind, I find a nice spot to rest and I purr content.

"You found the couch, huh? You rest here, I need to eat something too."

I hear noises, then I notice something. Is he eating? I get up immediately and go over there and watch him, is he eating without me? Where are his manners?

I watch him reproachfully and he seems to understand because he lowers part of his food for me.

Good human, I might keep you after all.


I woke up and there's silence all around. Where is my human?

I start searching around, I want to know, but he's nowhere I can see.

Wait. Why is this door closed?

Seriously? I want to see what's on the other side, so I try to scratch it a little bit but it doesn't open. Tsk, a cat won't be stopped by this, I want to see what's there, so I keep scratching until it finally opens.

I was right! My human was behind that door, I knew it!

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's... 3 am???"

I knew you were there!

He moves and puts some white liquid in a bowl before going back to where he came from.

What is that? I want to try it... oh I've licked this before, it's quite good, I like it so I lick some more until I'm sleepy again.


I don't feel so good, maybe I shouldn't have licked the entire bowl, but that white liquid was so good. Why isn't this human here yet? I'm calling, can't he hear me?

Oh, here he is, I don't feel good you know, my stomach is all a mess, do something.

"What is it? Don't tell me you're hungry again."

I see him lowering his hands to touch me and I hiss at him, don't touch me now! Can't you see I don't feel good? I'm telling you!

"Ehi, what is it? Are you hurt? Better to take you to the vet, I should do that anyway."

He moves back and forth, he seems uncertain on what to do, I wonder why, just make the pain go away, come on!

He comes back and tries to pick me up, I mean, are you kidding me? I hiss at him with all I've got, and he quickly moves back.

"If you don't let me pick you up, how can I take you to the vet?"

I stare at him, what's the problem human?

"I think my neighbours have a cat too, I'll go ask them."

He moves away quickly. Ehi! Don't forget about me, where are you going?

I move forward a little, not too much because I don't really feel like walking, but he didn't go far.

He's in front of a closed door, I don't like closed door, why do humans close doors? And he stands there doing nothing! I would be scratching that door down, believe me.

The door opens anyway, even if he didn't scratch it.

"Hello, I'm..."

Another human appears, and they stand there. Why are they wasting time? I yell angrily.

My human seems to wake up, he looks at me. "That was an angry meoww if ever I heard one..."

Then he turns back to the other human. "I'm Zhao Yunlan, your neighbour, I'm sorry to bother you but... I think you have a cat too, don't you? I think I heard it a few times."

"My name is Shen Wei, you don't bother me at all. Yes, I do have a cat, did she bother you? Or do you need something? Your cat doesn't look good..."

"Y...yeah, actually it's a stray cat I picked up yesterday, but this morning it keeps yelling and hissing at me, maybe I should take him to the vet, but I don't..."

"You need a cat carrier, I will lend you mine, I have several. I will come with you, you may need help."

What's taking them so long? I'm about to yell again when I see them both approaching. What are they planning?

They put something down and then sit far away. What is that thing on the floor? I'm curious as a.. well, as a cat, so I walk closer, I smell something good, I'm not really in the mood for food but I want to know what that is so I move a little more...

I hear a sound, I turn around and there's a closed door! What's happening? I scream for my human to come immediately, but I can't see him because something dark covers my visual from every angle.

"You can't pick up a cat in pain, the best way is to use a trap."

"Thank you, Shen Wei, I've never had a pet before."

At least I'm alone in here, and there's even something soft on which I can rest. I'm gonna wait here, to see what happens, but I growl from time to time to let whoever is out there know that there's an angry cat in here!

"Let's go with my car, I know a good veterinary."

After who knows how long, I'm able to see again and the door opens. I see another human I've never seen before. Did he imprison me here? I growl and hiss at him with all the ferocity I'm capable of, and trust me when I tell you that I'm quite capable.

He moves his hands forward, but hearing my rage he moves back immediately.

"It's better to give him something or I won't be able to visit him."

He comes back but his hands are bigger, he touches me and I try to defend myself, but then I feel something I've never felt before and I lose my strength, quickly falling asleep.

He comes back but his hands are bigger, he touches me and I try to defend myself, but then I feel something I've never felt before and I lose my strength, quickly falling asleep

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