Chapter 2

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It’s hard to keep on going though, and I’m so tired, I might as well rest a little. I need my strength if I want to find some food.

How many people pass by ignoring me, I should take better care of my fur, what must they think of me.

All of a sudden I notice that someone is approaching.

This person is not a little one, I can tell. I hear, “What’s this?” and I understand that it’s a male.

Why is he coming closer? Does he want to kick me away? Do I disturb him so much, starving in my little corner?

It’s better to stay alert, so I hiss at him but he keeps coming, why doesn’t he leave me alone? I hiss at him again.

"It’s not safe here, a car could hit you."

I’ve been among people long enough to recognize a safe voice from a dangerous one, but I keep looking at him with wide eyes, ready for anything.

He’s bending his legs to better look at me, of course from up there he can’t really see me properly.

He stays there a long while, he seems safe enough, he’s not doing any threatening movement, I guess I can relax a little.

But just a little, be sure that I’m always alert, and even if I’m tired I can still defend myself.

He straightens his legs again and walks away. Maybe he was just curious, I feel like a circus attraction.

I almost want to laugh but I don’t because cats don’t laugh.

I’ve seen a circus once. There were a lot of people, one behind the others waiting who knows why for someone to exchange their pieces of paper with a different piece of paper, while I made my way inside and had a good look around.

There were many animals doing silly tricks for the humans, I watched them licking my paw, you will never see a cat doing that!
And you talk to me about dignity?

Cats don’t lower themselves like that, parading around or locked in a cage. We are like wolves, only better.

When I saw a group of cats doing a silly number, I quickly got out hoping no wolf would see me.
I felt so ashamed...

Ehi, isn’t that the same human from before? How long has it been? I’m not good with time, I just rested a little while, so who knows.

Yes, he seems the same one. He is bending his legs again, has he changed his mind and come to kick me away after all? I hiss at him again, better be safe.

Go away, I don’t need a human!

"It’s ok, don’t be afraid."

He moves slowly and I watch him carefully, what is he doing?

"I bought something for you."

He takes something, he does something to it that I don’t quite understand, then I smell something...

Is it FOOD???

I move my nose closer, safe is ok but food is better.

Oh, it smells good, is he going to eat it in front of me? Such a cruel world...

No, wait, he’s not eating it. He’s leaving it on the ground in front of him... now what? He doesn’t want it?

Can I have it?

He doesn’t move.

I don’t move.

He keeps still.

The food is still there.

I move.

Carefully, I’m ready for anything, but it smells so good that it is worth a little risk.

I move closer and he doesn’t make the smallest move. I lick the food and, oh it tastes good!

I eat it as fast as I can, I’m so hungry I finish it in no time.

He keeps still the whole time. Good, because I have sharp claws!

I finish everything and take a step back, watching him.

"Did you like it? Still hungry? Want more tuna?"

What’s he doing now? He takes something, he does something to it... it looks the same thing as before, is it FOOD again?

This time I can’t wait and I quickly move forward to eat it.

He moves a hand towards me, I look but I keep eating. He touches my fur, but he’s so slow that I don’t think I need to fear him. I’m much faster than him.

He moves his hand over my fur and I feel sorry that I’m not at my best right now. I was very proud of my fur once, but now I have to save my strength, I have to go into dirty places to find food or escape dangers... sigh, I did have the most wonderful fur a cat can have...

He doesn’t seem to mind, he keeps moving his hand very slowly, I watch him but I keep eating. When I finish, I’m quite satisfied. This was a lot of food all at once, and I clean my face to show my appreciation and my good manners.

He leaves his hand on me and I watch it. It’s warm, it doesn’t bother me.
He moves the other hand towards me and touches me under my paws. What is he doing?

"Can I?"

Slowly he grabs me and lifts me up and I feel like I’m flying.

He moves me closer to his body and I don’t protest, he’s so slow that at the first sign of danger I’m sure I can defend myself, but right now I feel sated and generous and I let him keep me close.

Maybe he’s cold, I might as well repay him for the food providing him some warmth.

After all, there’s no warmth like cat-warmth, trust someone who knows.

His legs start moving, but now I’m quite comfortable, I think I’ll stay here a little longer and see where it takes me. I may as well close my eyes and rest a little.

Suddenly I feel uncomfortable, there’s water on my fur, I open my eyes and see that water is falling from the sky. It’s so annoying, but then this human covers me with his cloth and I purr in appreciation, letting him know that he should keep doing that.

This human keeps walking for a while then stops.
"Let me get my keys."
He moves in an annoying way, takes something and finally there’s a roof protecting us from the water. I like this.

"We’re home."


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