4. There's Always Room For Another Memory

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[3rd Pov]
Alberts Home

"Come on, you look adorable!" Albert laughed as he held the camera in his hands, nearly taking a picture of Selozar. "B-But it's going to be in the scrapbook." The shy male said, sorta hiding his face away from the camera. Right now the two lovers had decided to take more pictures together, although Albert insisted on taking a couple of Selozar wearing his own clothes he picked out. "Exactly, those pictures deserve to be in there, they deserve to be in an art museum!" He made his boyfriend blush, feeling admired. "I-If you say so..." He felt praised too, something he enjoyed feeling from him but especially loved.

"Okay okay, I'm gonna take the picture now." Albert happily said, moving the camera to a good angle at Selozar. After some small seconds, he took a picture with a quick flashing light coming from the camera. "It'll look so cute as ever." Albert waited it to appear, meanwhile he walked over to Selozar and gazed his eyes down at him, since he was sitting down on the bed. Albert left the camera with the new picture on the bed besides Selozar.

"You look absolutely stunning." One of Alberts hands ruffled Selozars hair carefully, then traveled down to cup his cheek. "You're mine." He told him, giving him a kiss on his forehead then looked back down at him. "I'm yours..." Selozar leans his head on Alberts hand, feeling very loved and admired. "I should take another picture of you, that is if you want." He said then waited for his reply, it took him a few seconds to decide in his mind. "I-I want to take pictures with you instead.." Is what he said then immediately got attacked with kisses all over his face.

Selozar attempted to dodge a couple but Albert held his face carefully. "A-Albert!... I-I really want to take pictures with y-you, to add in our s-scrapbook!" He blushes even more still feeling Albert kiss him on his cheek, down to his jawline over to his lips. Of course he couldn't help but to kiss Albert back. "Okay sorry sorry, you're just too irresistible for me." He pulled away after some more seconds of kissing him on the lips so gently.

Albert sits on the other side of Selozar, he leans down a little on him, pressing his cheek against his head trying to avoid hurting him. "But just one more, pleaseee?" He said playfully while he held his hand. "F-Fine." Selozar said getting embarrassed, though the next thing he does is begin kissing him on the lips instead. Albert, being gentle as always or most of the time, started to travel his hands on his waist a little upper. The kiss lasts more until Albert stopped with every single thing he did. "Are you okay with this?" He asked in a gentle tone while looking in his eyes, immediately seeing sparkle in his eyes.

"Y-Yeah..." Selozar blushes even more than before, facing away until he looked back over at Albert. "I-I'm okay." He gently smiles at him, seeing the taller male smile back. Then the two went back to their kissing again. Albert began traveling his hands around his waist again, he was being careful as they continually kissed more on the lips.

They couldn't pull away from each other's lips, the warm and soft texture they felt was pure blissful and truly wonderful. Albert didn't put his hands inside Selozars shirt or rather Albert's shirt he had on temporarily. Albert hand just had his hands on his waist still gently touching him, going a little upper. "Hey bitches, I'm going to the store to buy those snac-." Jake stood there at the front of the open door of their room. The next thing he does is pretend to gag at the two who stopped kissing each other's lips. Besides that, he was dressed up to go somewhere outside.

Selozar felt super embarrassed that Jake saw them, he looked away somewhere to avoid eye contact from anybody in their room. "Knock!" Albert told Jake, putting his hands away from him. His friend looked over at the door then gave it one single small knock, looking back over at the two. "Anyways I'm going to go buy some snacks for the game night. I was gonna ask if any of you preferred or wanted anything." Jake explains through a stern tone till he jokes with them, "But honestly I just want to go and ask somebody to stab my eyes out."

"What store?" Albert asks then sees Jake shrug his shoulders. "I might go to different once's since some don't have the best snacks, like uh.. that one ripoff goldfish snack! They taste pretty terrible." Jake said, he can probably name a couple of more brands that have been copied or maybe he is mistaken and is the opposite. "Don't buy goldfish." Selozar muttered, still looking away from the two flustered. "You don't like goldfish? I thought you ate them last time." The friend felt confused.

"I do but Sorrow... She likes fishes a lot and wouldn't w-want to eat it." Selozar replied in a lower tone, he sticks his eyes onto a wall. Jake stammered at what he just said. "I- huh- wh- fine!" He then agrees, but tells the two a finale time what they prefer for him to buy from the store. "Anything is fine with me as long as it tastes good. You'll like something sweet, Selozar?" Albert asked him in a soft tone, seeing the response was a nod.

Albert looks over at Jake with a small bit of a deadly glare, perhaps his eyes were filled with terror and dark nightmares. "You better fucking get my Selozar something good for him." He says with a different voice tone. "Alright, damn. I'll be going now." Jake walked away somewhere else, probably heading for the front door. Before he went out, Albert shouted at him to not die in a car crash or something.

After he hears the door open then close, Albert looks over at Selozar, seeing him hide his face from huge embarrassment still. "Aw my poor kitten." He says putting one of his arms around him, slightly getting closer to him. "You're so shy, I adore that a lot." He added in his sentence then began being gentle with him. He didn't exactly want to kill him with steaming embarrassment.

"We can continue to take pictures, together if you want." Albert told Selozar, seeing his vision slowly turn back over at him. "I-I'd like that..." He says with a gentle smile, though embarrassed still shows on his face but Albert didn't mind at all. He still thought he looked beautiful. "I'll take a picture of us both right now, okay?" He reaches over for the camera on the other side of him. "Okay." The shy male nodded his head happily, the next thing he does is hug his arm.

"My Selozar." Albert says then started to prepare the camera to take more pictures. "Al." Selozar calls out his name as he still hugged his arm. "I'm listening angel." Albert mutters then looks over at him, he had his vision down onto the floor, quietly breathing. "I love being a-around y-you a lot, you make me feel s-special and loved." He pressed down his face a bit on his arm to avoid eye contact.

"I love being with you too, and of course you are very special." Selozar again felt praised, along with feeling the two things he just said to him. "I'll always take care of you, and protect too of course." He added in his sentence, at the next moment he felt Selozar start hugging him instead of just his arm. "I'm gonna take a picture now." Albert said, seeing Selozar nod his head as okay. "Make sure to smile, I adore it a lot."

After a couple of seconds Albert took a picture of them both together looking so happy to be by each other's side. Meanwhile as it took to appear, Albert yet again locked his hand with Selozars. "Cute." He says with a little smirk. "You could change back to your clothes if you want." He said the next moment, but he saw him shake his head saying something. "I-I like it." He mumbles. "That's okay, you can wear it whenever you want!" His tone was filled with cheer.

The two continue on taking pictures only making more memories to treasure and remember as they continue on to feel happiness and peace with love and trust blooming in the air.

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