chapter four- Pizza Virgin

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I was currently sitting in the living room with all the guys staring down at me with thoughtful expressions on there faces , after the little bathroom incident I was pulled down stairs so we could have a family intervention , don't worry I was given time to put a t-shirt on .

"Riot where did you get that scare , scratch that how did you get that scar ."Andy screamed all the guys would chime in with a collective 'yeah' or a 'tell us'.

"I got in a tiny accident "I said while shrugging my shoulders .

"That scar is not the result of a tiny accident .Its huge .I have your files if I wanted to I could read them and I would know what happend .But I want you to tell me .I want you to feel safe enough to tell me on your own record ."Andy told me and for the first time since I was born I felt like I had a choice , like I had the upper-hand ,like I was trusted .

My joy vanished when Andy pulled my file out from behind him .I was sure he was going to read it but instead he holds it out for me and says"Here take it , when youre ready you can give it back ."

 That simple gesture was enough for me , I felt tears well up in my eyes .As I reached forward and took the folder with shaky hands , expecting him to rip it away last minute , but instead he let me take it .

"Thank y-you so much "I said in a shaky voice , I rose up from the couch and began heading upstairs with the file in my hands , but before my foot even touched the first step Andy grabed hold of my arm pulling me backwards , but instead of beating me like I expected him to he pulls me into a huge bear hug .

We stood there in akward silence Andys arms still wrapped around me while mine were still holding the file .When  he let me go I went upstairs and placed the file under my mattress.I was lost as to what I schould do , I felt so many emotions that it was to think .At times like these there is only one thing I can do .Sing.

I walked over to my bed and bent down ,pulling out my battered guitar case .I opened it up and  looked at my guitar .It is old and battered just like me .My guitar is a simple accoustic with brown wood , many bullies from the orphanage had stolen it from me and carved mean , stupid things into it.I begann to get angry and if anyone touched my guitar they would get beaten up , the end result wasn't good for them .....or for me , mostly because I would be punished .There is only one thing on my guitar that is relatively nice .A heart . It was carved by the previous owner or so said the person who sold it to me .I really didn't believe him , he was a boy around my age and he sold the guitar to me for 20 dollars.

I picked my guitar up and brought it over to my walk in closet .I stepped inside of my closet and sat down with my guitar and begann singing and strumming the chords on my guitar .I don't know how long I played but it must of been hours because before I knew it Andy was calling up "Riot its Dinner time " 

I slowly rose from the ground and put my guitar away before walking down stairs into the dining room. "Hey Riot come sit next to your uncle Jake "Jake screamed .

At first I jumped at the loudness of his voice but I recovered soon and walked over sitting myself next to Jake .That's when it all started , Andy , Ashley , C.C and Jinxx all begann fighting over the other spot next to me . The way they were acting was hilarious , I barely even noticed that I was infact smiling and even laughing .

But even though I didn't notice didn't mean the others hadn't , they were all staring at me as if they had seen a ghost .

"Youre even prettier when you smile "Ashley said while winking , causing Andy to slap him upside the head .

"So ...what are we eating ?"I asked .Andy smiled and said "Do you like Pizza cause that's what I made "

I shrugged and said "never had it ." Everyone turned there heads to look at me and screamed "you've never had Pizza before ?" .They begann throwing comments around but one that caught my attention was 'Pizza Virgin '.I couldn't help but laugh .....histerically .In the end I fell of the chair clutching my stomach while still laughing .Andy rushed to my side worried but once he noticed I wasn't hurt he instantly relaxed . His worried face was so funny causing me to laugh even harder , this time it wasn't just me laughing it was all the guys except for Andy but he soon joined in .In the end we were all on the floor clutching are stomachs while laughing . Out of no where the doorbell rang , bringing us back down to earth .We all stood up and as soon as we did we all went dashing towards the door .I was the fastest so I pulled open the door excited to see who was ringing.All my joy , excitment and whatever other happy feelings I had died . It was Ruth my social worker .I guess she was here to pick me up .

"Hi .......Hi , what are you doing here "Andy asked from behind me .My head whipped around to stare at him "you didn't ask her to pick me up?"."No , why would I?" Andy asked . "May I come in ?"Ruth asked rather agitated.I stepped away from the door allowing Ruth to come in . She gave me a smile and a small wink wile whispering to me "I'm glad youre happy" I gave her a genuine smile in return , but all I could think of was 'Am I happy ?Is this what happy feels like ?'.

We all sat down at the table and Andy served us Pizza and coke ."So what were you doing to cause such a rucus before I knocked ?" Ruth asked biting into her Pizza . "We were just taking care of are Pizza Virgin "C.C answered causing everyone to giggle at the memorie ."Pizza Virgin ?"Ruth questioned . "Riot's never eaten Pizza before" Jake explained causing Ruth to giggle .Everyone then turned to look at me in anticipation ."What?" I asked ."How does it taste ?" Jinxx asked ."I haven't tried it yet" I said ."Hurry up and try some !Come on!" C.C pratically screamed . I went to take a bite but Andy screamed "SSSTTTTOPPPP" He quickly ran upstairs and was back in a matter of seconds holding a  camera "now...y-you can ....take a bite " he said out of breath.I took a bite and Andy took a picture of me as I did so .My eyes widened and I screamed "Holy shit !! This stuff is good!" everyone laughed except Andy who hollered "Language young lady " causing everyone to laugh even harder .

The whole evening was great and now we were all in the living room .Ruth cleared her throat loudly to grab are attention ."It has been wonderfull talking with you all but I feel that I have delayed the ineviteable . Riot I've been putting this of long enough .........your siblings wish to see you .It's been years please forgive them for what they've done .I'm afraid I must go good-bye "

Everyone watched as Ruth rose from the couch and left then they all turned to me and screamed "YOU HAVE SIBLINGS !!!!????"

Riot Biersack -Andys daughterWhere stories live. Discover now