Day Nineteen... 20

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Trigger Warning: Self harm mentioned in this chapter... will mark where to skip

Day Nineteen

"good morning beebee", Shawn looked at me and I turned to the otherside.

"Goodnight it's Saturday", I pulled the covers over my face.

"No no its ten and your mom is knocking on the door I can't pop my head out it be weird", he complained.

"Not like we did anything, you know we aint there yet", I got up and went to the door.

"Get up honey we got the lawyers coming soon, you and Shawn need to get statements ready", she said.

"We'll be out soon", I said.

"Well cover is blown everyone kmows for sure we don't hate each other and becoming more than friends", he said.

"I know but what should we expect pretty sure they're cool with it, so let's just not hide it we can't fool em. I want them to know I found someone who I like, who cares about me, and who like me too. Unless you don't like me and you just playing with me", I said.

"I don't play games anymore I am over messing with girls and ending up lonely, I wanna have the girl of my dreams.", he said crashing his lips to mine.

"Sorry my mom is timing us let me get dressed and I'm out of this room we can do that later", I went into my closet and picked an outfit.

"Ouu pick that t-shirt it will compliment the jeans", I looked at it and nodded.

I got dressed and we walked out of my room to see our friends were all eating breakfast until we walked in. They looked at us for a few sec9nds and went back to eating their food, we made ourselves a plate.

"So I gotta ask clear the elephant in the room, we all roomates and friend's here... are y'all two dating?", Nicki asked.

"We're not dating at least not yet... we gotta you know get to know each other see where on the same page. Last night we just spent the night talking and learning new things about each other", Shawn said.

"Yeah  we went from hating each other to loving each other in like the span of a month, I wanna make sure we understand each other. I know when the time comes we will date, I mean like you already new of our first date... last night was our unofficial first date", I added.

"Y'all owe each 20 dollars pay up I except checks, cash, and money through Zelle", Kelly said.

"Send me my thirty I told you all even before Michelle, I know Beyoncé", my mom said.

"Even you momma man everyone in here super nosey", I said.

"I expected this I remember placing bets with Nicki and Michelle and so did you Bey", Shawn said.

"True true", I took my seat at the table and began eating my breakfast.

Private Number: Times ticking 💣 make a good choice... you don't want to start a war here honey

Private Number: watch out for your family and that little boy

Private Number: 13 Days 😁

"We need to find them quick look at these texts", I showed my mom.

"I'll get the team here asap", she responded looking at the texts.

I pushed away my food because my hunger disappeared and chills covered my body, this was beyond creepy. It is worse than being in the business cause most time I was in places my dad put me to avoid creppy guys except for Lyndell. I dated him yes but that doesn't change his creepiness when I look back at that relationship.

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