Part 26

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"The baby is breach" my gynecologist said to me.

"What does that mean?"

"Most babies settle into a head-down position, ready for birth, by about the last month of pregnancy. When a baby is positioned bottom-down late in pregnancy, this is called the breech position. "

"So now what?"

"We can wait maybe the baby will change. But this being your first pregnancy, chances are very slim. Let us give it two weeks to see if there are any changes"

I prayed and did everything I could that may assist the baby to change position but the ultra sound conducted after two weeks did not give good news. I was beginning to get scared as the D-day grew closer. We discussed our options with the doctor. One, we could wait until I start labor and if the baby is still breech, then I go for emergency C-section. The challenge would be the charges will be very high. Two, we could opt for planned C-section.

I was getting tired by the day and when the final results of the scan came through, we decided to go for planned C-section.

My hubby and I left the house at around 11 at night and headed to the hospital. We filled out the paper work and got admitted at The Mombasa Hospital. My mother had come earlier at the house to check up on me. She prayed for me and promised to be at the hospital very early in the morning.

I was very nervous but my prayers calmed me down. I had written down my will and wishes the previous day. I had even written down a letter for my baby as well. It was an emotional day for me but I braved on for my unborn baby and kept praying to my God. I was ready for anything.

The nurses came in and I said my goodbye to my hubby. I was then wheeled into the theatre.

"What is your name?"


"What's your blood group?'


"Just relax. Breath in and out"


"Am going to put this on your mouth and nose. I need you to count to ten. Do you understand?"



"One, two, three.......and I blacked out.

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